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President Biden Delivers Commencement Speech at Morehouse College Despite Grumblings Over Pro-Palestinian Protest on US College Campuses

POLITICS: Raves and resounding applause heard as US President Joe Biden arrives on the stage of the Century Campus at Morehouse College. Biden visits the HBCU college to deliver the 2024 commencement speech to thousands being graduated from the school Biden states will dispense leaders of tomorrow. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter To the class of 2024 you join a sacred , education makes you free and Morehouse College makes you successful.

Biden commented in regard to the day, stating it is a day of joy, about resurrection and redemption. "Jesus was buried on Friday and rose again on Sunday. We don't talk enough about Saturday...about seeing people's pain and not looking away." The work that's done on Saturday, Biden said, "...can move pain to purpose." The President stated that he was graduated from college and in his graduation year, a great man, Dr Martin Luther King was assassinated. For 9 months in Delaware, the state remained inflamed, enraged over the murder of one of the nation's greatest leaders. During that time, Biden was not decided on running for the Senate, however, ran for the US Senate and, he states, Morehouse College graduates in Delaware got him elected. Biden suffered a great loss at the time that an automobile crash occurred and his wife and child were killed. 43 years later, his son Beau suffered fatal injury after serving in the US military in Iraq and enduring the chemical warfare conducted as a result of Iraqi burn pits. Using his marriage to Dr Jill Biden, the President spoke of keeping the faith and hope in a better day. Despite the fact that black men are being killed in the street, democracy works. Biden asked the question, what does democracy mean when black men love a nation that does not love him back equally. Biden pondered the Kennedy speech of 1963 and asked himself are we living a lie. Biden stated that he had visited with his son, Beau as he remained hospitalized, his son stated that he was worried that his father would give up after he died. Beau encouraged his father, then, "promise me, dad, you won't give up." Biden commented, that democracy, democracy , democracy is still the way. Biden seemed to utter the theme to the young black men to whom he spoke delivering the commencement speech. The President, today, believes in the equality of black Americans and, in his speech, delivers the message, "Don't give up."

The President stated that he is investing $16billion more dollars in HBCU because the students are valuable to the United States. More black Americans have jobs that ever before in US history. The black community is showing the power had among the people and voices, through peaceful, non -violent protests, should be heard.

The situation in Israel and Gaza, Biden states, is heartbreaking, while he was there, he observed as war zealots poured gasoline on families of women and children and watched as they burned. If what's going on in Israel today is seen, what then happens? Biden stated hes working toward securing a 2 state solution there, but, the problem is centered on leadership. Biden stated that its not hyperbole that each of the Morehouse students graduating today are leaders. The Morehouse college was founded on the premise that each of the men who attend the college and are graduated are groomed, educated and set in the direction of leadership in America. Biden commented in regard to Trump's comments made in regard to immigrants quoting the former President as having stated, "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country." Biden stated, were all bleed red blood. We know as much that black history is American history. Black men, from the current class and Morehouse college will; lead the US into a new generation. Eliminating poverty and bigotry will be incorporated in the roles taken on by black leaders of tomorrow. By not giving hate any safe harbor, black men of Morehouse will stand up and take action in knowing that having faith without having works is dead. Biden stated that he looks out at the audience and sees, politicians, doctors, lawyers men who will fill the seats of the US Senate. The President stated he is proud of seating the first black woman on the US Supreme Court. Biden stated that he has established his administration to reflect the image of the nation adding that he selected the first woman to become the US Vice President. The question is now, 50 years from now, when you're asked to stand next to that generation's Morehouse men, what will you do? what will you say you've done. Biden encouraged Morehouse College graduating students "...keep the faith, if you can..." and build up the sun to transcend mountains that will even push forward the whole of America. While Biden spoke to Morehouse graduates with encouragement, stating that their future must be centered on their faith and the hard work that must accompany progress in the future of today's America, the President was quite apposite in his absolution of truth through which it seemed that Biden was certain to prepare the minds of young graduates for an America that has challenged democracy reminding that democracy is at the core of the mission for ensuring the preservation of an anti-slavery, anti-systemic racist and anti-discrimination America.

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