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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden To Speak In Tampa Tuesday-Florida Teeters on Being Flipped To Blue In The Vote For Abortion or...No Abortion

Updated: Apr 19

POLITICS: Today, the White House announced the travel plans by President Joe Biden who will visit Tampa, Florida next week. President Biden will speak to constituents on the topic of abortion just days prior to the new Florida law goes into effect banning abortion. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter In the Florida Congress, legislators voted on a bill that would ban abortion preventing women from seeking the procedure that, under circumstances involving rape and incest, may be considered of utmost necessity by women and their families. The Florida law will impose bans on abortions being performed in the state for a period of 6 weeks- a step taken by legislators who have perceived the US Supreme Court decision as paramount and have con ceded to its tenets absolving states of any obligation to permit abortions being performed. While Florida may loom as a state that may prohibit the abortion pill, Mifepristone from selling in the local markets, the decision to ban abortion is one that has raised controversy in surrounding a women's right to abortion, such that is not laid out in the statutes ofthe US Constitution. Across the nation, speculation spreads in regard to the basis for states to ban abortion. In at least 9 of 14 states that have temporary abortion bans enacted, there is no exception made for victims of rape or incest who are impregnated by their offenders. As speculation spreads so does the investigation by experts and medical science of the imposed Supreme Court decision and that which has been establishing banning abortion in states. Today experts at Harvard University have offered a number of pervasive causes for the ongoing bans that appear to continue saturating the US. There have been studies conducted following the decisions made by the US Supreme Court, banning the 50 year old law. Some causes for bans include these that were provided through the Harvard School of Medicine whose analysts emphasized causes being associated with the development of "restricted access ..." attributable to the rise in foster care and other associated causes. Harvard researchers have expressed that causes are, also, related to the ...targeted regulation of abortion providers (TRAP) laws; these laws decrease abortion volumes by legally limiting the number of abortion-providing facilities..." and "the need to understand the full consequences of restricted abortion access in the wake of the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that effectively overturned Roe v. Wade." In regard to the election, competition looms as a rather caustic factor. Florida has been a major contention for Democrats existing as a battle-ground states over the last 3 decades. The battle between the Trump leaning state and the Biden potential for turning the state blue has reached its apex. Biden stands to win over those who believe abortion is fair and that women should have the freedom to exercise their right to choice. There remains, also, the extenuating factor that while the dichotomy in the Biden-Trump competition exists, it is that which separates women and scores of families that include sympathetic men from the US Supreme Court's decision which reflects the decisions made in the 14 anti-abortion states. Thereby hangs the ultimate outturn that, for all practical purposes, provides for the greater potential for a Biden victory to prevail. President Joe Biden arrives in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday as the hue of the red state stands to be enlightened with a new shade-that of blue.

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