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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

President Biden In Tampa To Speak on Abortion Days Before State Bans Begin

Updated: Apr 24

POLITICS: On Tuesday, as US President Joe Biden visits with constituents in Tampa, Florida, with a distinctive plan for addressing the matter of abortion bans as the Biden administrations stands in favor of women’s reproductive rights.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

“There’s one person responsible for this nightmare, and he acknowledges it and he brags about it: Donald Trump.”—US President Joe Biden

In Tampa, Florida, US President Joe Biden spoke to students, school officials and constituents during his visit at the Hillsborough Community College’s Dale Mabry campus.

“We’ll teach Donald Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans a valuable lesson: Don’t mess with the women of America.”—President Joe Biden

The reports from Tampa law enforcement have described a rather peaceful situation on the HCC campus which, this week, has remained one , as opposed to many in the US, that has not conducted an on-campus pro-Palestinian protest. However, there had been a noticeable gathering of protesters near the HCC campus—such that did not impact the President’s visit.

Upon the President’s arrival at HCC, Biden began speaking in regard to the 6 week abortion ban set for going into effect within a mmatter if weeks. Biden stated, also, that voters will stand a good chance of deciding what will transpire in regard to abortion as the state election commission takes steps to include such an option on the Florida ballot.

As the crowd gathered in the HCC gymnasium roared with approval, Biden stated that “Donald Trump…ripped away the rights and freedom of women in America.” Biden spine in reference to the niw abolished laws that upheld abortion as a Constitutionsl right. The U.S. Supreme Court opposed the claim stating that the US Constitution provided nothing to US women in the way of a right to an abortion.

Today, while it is fact that the U.S. Condtitution affords women nothing in the way of a “right” to abortion, the U.S. Constitution does uphold the American in the right to freedom. The argument against a woman’s right to abortion is, now, moved to the question of whether the U.S. Supreme Court can separate abortion from the confines of the constitutional statutes which uphold every American’s right to exercise one’s freedom? If so, then, the court must determine whether it is endowed with the authority to stand in opposition to a personal and inherent liberty. In such instance, that the court opposes an American’s right to exercise one’s freedom, then, the court would stand in violation of a woman’s right to exercise her rights of freedom —such a law would therefore, be established as a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

By the same token, where the violation of statutes is established, the question surrounding a doctor’s freedom to perform an abortion then surfaces. If it is a matter of medical doctrine and therefore a statute assigned the magnitude of a law, that the physician must adhere to as its tenets are, therefore, incorporated in the Hippocratic Oath, it may, then , be a matter of question whether a doctor performing an abortion does, thereby, stand in violation of his oath to practice medicine.

Today, based on the Necessary and Proper Clause in association with the USConstitution, for instance, the question may be asked, should an American be regarded the right to commit a murder. According to the NPV clause, only Congress has the power to enact laws , particularly ,those surrounding the rights associated with freedoms and their limitations. According to Congressional law every American is endowed personal and inherent liberties however limiting such right to freedom to the extent that such rights are confined to the individual and end at such interval that an infringement might involve the rights to the liberties of another.

Notwithstanding the absence of US Constitutional statutes addressing murder and theft in Article I, Section 8 nor is murder mentioned in either of tge 3 forms of crimes mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution does state that every American is afforded the right to 1). Life, 2). Liberty 3). The Pursuit of happiness.

Today, the US Biden administration and the courts argument surrounding a woman’s freedom to obtain an abortion arrives at the point of questioning whether , if a woman who is endowed with the inherent right to the exercise of freedoms, can , therefore, also, be regarded as lawful in her freedom of choice in regard to an act of abortion?

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