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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Says "No!" When Confronted By Whether To Deploy National Guard College & University Campus Uprisings


POLITICS: Amid a thunderstorm of pro-Palestine protests, today, conducted on college and university campuses, the US government has turned its focus toward bringing about resolutions to, primarily, settle and, ultimately, end the controversy.  Today, President Joe Biden was challenged with the prospect of considering sending in the National Guard to bring about the restoration ofthe routine and orderly procession of activities associated with the environment of academics.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter  

During a press conference held by US President Joe Biden, the question of whether the President found it necessary to send in the National Guard to college and university campuses during the tumult of protests seemed to make a moot point.  Biden was asked if he would take that next step, responding by saying, "No."

According to the standards for deploying the National Guard, those set by federal law indicate that it is in in regard to a federal mission that the National Guard would be called upon by the President to intercede.  In any federally linked circumstance, however, the US President is authorized to assign the Guard to strike in the manner of a military response.   

Questions that have risen with inquiries being made in reference to the federal responsibility of public colleges and universities and to what extent the , for instance, US Department of Education, becomes involved as an authority in US public schools in comparison to the authority had be the states.  according to the historical standard, states engage in maintaining and operating public schools while  the federal level's involvement remain, somewhat, limited.

Today, US DOEd limits its involvement in public schools to establishing federal education programs, policies and funding.  These elements of authority are established and disseminated to state level education agencies through the Elementary and Secondary Education. Act. (ESEA), the Reauthorization of ESEA, the Higher Education Act (HEA) and the Postsecondary Education Act (PSEA) among other subtitled statutes through which the federal level formulates policy.

While the matter surrounding the situation involving lawful protests, however, their presence on college campuses, is a non-military involvement, the President is under no obligation to, neither might it be regarded as constitutionally lawful for the President to deploy military troops to a non-military conflict.  

Matters involving the ongoing pro-Palestine protests are such that are under the jurisdiction of local and , possibly, state law enforcement and,  not even as a state formed institution, are colleges and universities militaristically governed as are some federal agencies and institutions.   To date, more than 500 students across nearly one dozen US college and university campuses have been arrested.

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