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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

The Woman; Harvard’s Chief Administrator As President, Gay Holds Down Her Lofty Post

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

STATE & NATIONAL: Confirmed during a meeting with the Harvard Univerdity Board of Executives, President of the institution, Claudine Gay, holds on to her position as the school's chief administrator. Harvard, one of the nation's foremost academic facilities among Ivy League schools of higher education , also, ranks in the top 100 percentile as the nation's most diverse organization's while, today, the school's top seated administrator is not only a woman, but this woman is, also, black.

By Anne M Erbynstein

On Monday, Harvard President met with others of the university's officials. The meeting followed weeks of an apparent extendive perusal of Gay's response standards associated with race and racism in educational institutions. The perusal of Gay followed the outbreak of war in Israel and TGAT which, by the war, stirred reactions among students of both Jewish and Palestinian cultures.

As the perusal of Gay's response to tge plight of Jewish students loomed, a number of contributors, those who happen to exist as the () of Harvards most valued contributors, the question among contributors also mounted inquiring whether Gay would be best suited as the school's President .

In fact, while President Gay remained on post at the Harvard campus she, also, apparently responded to the concerns of Jewish students who, during a time when the campus climate seemed to defy the rights of Jewish/Israeli's response to war violence -- while heated events simmered to a stated of boiling over in the US, the evidence of Palestine student posed a true threat as many lodged literal suffering upon Jewish students.

While , across the nation, the event of vile acts of hostility were not isolated to the Harvard campus. The Israel- Palestine war ignited that which seemed to reach uncontrollable proportions as blazing inferno spewed out in opposition to Jews. In more than one incident violence spray up across the nation in tge ways of protests, shootings and event the blatant murder by a Jewish landlord of a minor Palestinian child.

It is in the wake of the brutal violence-- in the US and Usrael, though, that by this, the 66th day of war as of today, it is worth taking a breath of fresh air in the US, as, perhaps, both Jews and Palestinians state side, can rest a bit easier along with other Americans acknowledging that the evidence ofthe moment's vitriol seems to have been quelled.

It can be stated that Harvard's President Claudine Gay had a hand in the arrival of a peaceful calm , now, blankets the hearts and minds of those at tge focus of this era's prolonged fight over a matter of the Gaza region; a territorial fight that has proceeded since the time of Christ BC.

However the vehicle of its arrival, there may be no statement put forth in history indicating that Harvard University made any viable contribution to the approaching, new-found peace among American Jews and Palestinians nor in regard to a number of resolutions that might have been discussed among members ofthe war cabinet .

Today, it is more a harbinger of hope that Harvard University has resolved matters of concern to the the institution's highest student body enrollment - that being Jewish students and , in tge process, has endured that retaining one of the school's most conscientious administrators has, also, been accomplished; setting a positive standard for the future for women administrators and that which supports the prospect for women of color filling top administrative positions.

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