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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Pelosi Attacker DePape Testifies During His Federal Assault Trial

STATE & NATIONAL: A tearful testimony by Paul Pelosi's attacker, David DePape was described by some as "bizarre..." in its blatant and award expository assoxciated with evidence his admitted evidence of the attack last year in October. Lawyers for DePape arranged for the alleged attacker to accept a plea deal. as a result, DePape has, however, opted to claim his innocence. By Anne M. Erbynstein "I wasn’t trying to hurt him...I reacted because my plan was ruined... Getting to the rest of my targets and pardoning all of them and ending the corruption."--Accused Pelosi attacker, David DePape stated during his Testimony The testimoney of David DePape, laced by his own dissonance, would not be one, according to his statements, that would absolve his of guilt and, thereby, fail the defendant's claim of innocence. DePape stated that there were a number of online ques that , ultimately, propelled his decision to take violent measures against the Pelosi's. Basing the information on DePape's online stated plan, the violation against Paul Pelosi would have arrived at DePape's assault and kidnapoping of former House speaker, nancy Pelosi. The DePape assault plan tends to reflect his political persuasionand sites implications of political extremism incorporated in that which com,pelled the defendant's actions. The incident, that which seems to indicate that DePape's plan was meant to further the efforts previously made by mobsters during the January 6 attack on thwe US capitol. During the January 6 attack, mobsters sought to located the, then, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi while threatening to use violent force against her and, then, Vice President, Mike Pence.

In fact, during his testimony, DePape stated that he had listened to a political podcast that he stated he continued runing all day. The political podcast by Tim Pool and James Lindsey --both conspiracy theorists--was such that, he stated, influenced his actions that led to DePape's espousal of his, ultimate, plot to launch an attack against the Pelosis. During his testimony, DePape confessed to having developed a list of people he would, at some point, target as a result of his hatred for them. Neither of DePape's comments describing a primary political plan that would find the defendant taking steps to commit , perhaps. violent actions against others and inadvertantlyy including Pelosi. DePape, would not preswnt in his testimony any description of a sittuation that would justify his brazen attacks against Paul Pelosi and his plan to, also, kidnap the House Speaker. DePape, also, made statements suggesting that he struck Pelosi with enough force to have ended his life adding that he apparent fled the Pelosi residence believing that Paul Pelosi was dead as a result of being struck in the head by DePape with a hammer. Somehow most attorneys give the appearance of being ethical and acting as minstrators of justice with integrity. In the case that involves David DePape the man accused of striking husnad of foremer House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and, fleeing the scene unaware of whether he committed an ultimate murder or whether Pelosi remained alive--a consequence which seemed to be a matter of total unconcern on DePape's part. Yet, in the DePape trial, as defense lawyers plead and argue for their defendant, the lack of sound ethics was so vehemnly expressed in as much and on the same level as that which had been demonstrated by DePape--even in his decision to apparoach the Pelosi home which, in itself, was an intensely contrived criminal and malicious act flavored by the intent to inflict harm. The defense attrorny, Jodi Linker, commented, "This is not a whodunit," but a "whydunit," the lawyer adding, "Thats what the government fails to acknowledge." During the David DePape trial, defense lawyers quite apparently failed to provide a sound argument for DePape's defense. Today, 43 year old David DePape faces charges of attempted murder added to the charge of 1st degree burglary.

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