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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

First Lady Dr Jill Biden Meets w/ Yuko Kishida Atthe Eisenhower Executive Office Building

NATION: Locate in the former Navy SWAN Building at the US Capitol. First Lady Jill Biden met with Mrs. Yuko Kishida, the wife of Japanese Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida. Mrs Kishida has traveled from Japan along with her husband in a visit to the White House in Washington DC as the Japanese leader and wife engaged in meetings with President Joe Biden and the First Lady, respectively. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter "Because the ties that bind our nations are not forged by heads of state, they are created people-to-people heart to heart as we share ideas and places of our culture that make our souls sing." --Dr. Jill Biden Today, Dr Jill Biden spoke of her fondness for the effects of the Eisenhower Office Building, such that is complete with books that are lent to the efforts of educational provided to everyone who visits there. Dr Biden commented, "One of my favorite places in any building, is the library. It is an honor to welcome Mrs Kishida." Dr Biden spoke of the former meeting held in Japan when the two First Ladies met with youth who were "...looking toward the future..." Yuko and Dr. Jill spoke with youth who were advancing in their development of efforts that would encompass no only their own concerns, but, also, the concerns of others around the world. Also joining Dr Jill Biden and Yuko Kishida were students who have traveled to Japan and those who have hosted Japanese students in America. Students and both first ladies were met by Japanese poet, Kimiko Hahn, who earlier in the visit, led a poetry workshop with students at the White House. Dr Jill offered an expository on art and through the lines of the poet states that art "shows the contours of our sorrows and joys so that we know we are not alone." The author adds that art "brings us back to the beauty and bright tomorrows together." While Dr Jill and Yuko became enveloped in the words of the poet and the correlation of expressions joined together between poet and students , the elucidative effects culminated into: "...every line of enter into conversation with the world-helping us reach toward each other so we can understand one another and imagine our bright tomorrows together." Dr Jill Biden commented that, today, the young students who gathered there at the Eisenhower Office Building share in the leadership of "today and tomorrow..." Dr Biden referred to the students as the "Keepers of our Partnership. The Dreamers of a better world."

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