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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Extends Words of Honor To US Veteran's Day Heroes

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

POLITICS: Today, as he looks upon plans for meeting with Chinese President Xi next week, President Joe Biden took a break in the planned schedule to address folks gathered for the Veteran's Day celebration. Biden Honored Veterans who gave their loives for their country, today, at Arlington National Cemetery. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter [T]o once again bear witness to the great deeds of a noble few who risked everything – everything to give us a better future, those who have always, always kept the light of liberty shining bright across the world – our veterans.” Biden described the location as a "sanctuary for peace." President Biden stated that it is an honor to stand before the sanctuary for peace to honor the fallen heroes, Veterans of US wars. Read More...

Biden commented that Veterans Day is very personal to his family. The President stated how he recalled his son Beau Biden as he pinned upon him his bars on his shoulder. Beau Biden served the state of Delaware Army National Guard and was, later, elected California's Attorney General. The day President Biden pinned on Beau Biden's bars, he asked his son why he joined the military. Biden said, Beau replied by stating , " Dad, it's my duty."

Years later, Beau suffered from a rare type of cancer. Research and testing indicated that Beau Biden contracted cancer while serving his country in Iraq.

According to ingormation gathered by US investigators , the report indicated that Iraq military engaged in chemical warfare in burn pits that were situated near the camps of U.S. soldiers While the smoke of the burning chemicals was a constant in the area, it became unavoidably enhaled by our troops. Beau was suffered greatly by those events and lost his life while giving his best to save his country.

President Biden stated that US Veterans are owed a debt of honor for more than serving their country, but also, for the hope they give to the next generation of American soldiers.

Biden reinforced the acknowledgement of veteran's families and those who have been injured , those who have served the US deserving of the best medical care. The President stated the benefits steeped inside the PACT Act , signed into law by Biden, are provided to ensure the good health and health care needs of veterans and their families.

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