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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden & Harris Arrive In Philly Together During 'Black Voters For Biden-Harris Rallies'

NATION: The week has not gone forward without that which seems to have become a trendy flowing forth of phrases among those that have questioned the President's well being. President Joe Biden generally projects a rather cool manner by which he makes it clear to the US public that, though his age may show on his face--as it likely does with most people over 50--he is fit as a fiddle in this, a society that has increased the aging limit to seemingly 20 years under Americans numerical age. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Today, in Philidelphia, one reporter pushed the limit and crossed the line asking the President a most ridiculous question associated with his stamina. The question, inquiring with the President whether he thought he would remain in office after the first 2 years of pass the post on to the Vice President brought back--as the old folks might say--a knub. The most often gentle and soft-spoken Biden slammed back with "Are you OK? Are you alright?" while pointing to the head suggesting that the person asking the most absurd questions of the era was, quite frankly and apparently ...crazy. Any comment made, in particular, by reporters alluding to the President's age will simply taken as a dig and a comment that the reporter, quite possibly, favors Trump. an insult, most often, deserves another.

Otherwise, making a dig at a US dignitary, especially the US President, can only be regarded as unprofessional, lacking in appropriate decorum for meeting with the US President and Vice President -- in plain terms, that reporter has no place in a forum at which the President ofthe United States would respond to questions. One to another; the reporter, if not a free-lancer, should be fired following the question that was put to the US President by the untenably indiscreet manner of the person who reached Biden as he arrived at the site prior to delivering his speech. Arriving together alongside Democratic Representative, Joyce Beatty, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Philly to shore up the attention of people of color during the 'Black Voters for Biden-Harris' rallies.

this week, it is a matter associated with the cause for the trip to Philadelphia that Biden and Harris has arrived and at the point of inquiring about the sentiments of a majority of black voters. The visit provides an opportunity for both the President and Vice President to hear the concerns of black voters and, according to the Biden-Harris history, the team of political administrators will, thereafter, respond accordingly. Following their arrival in Philadelphia, the President and Vice President visited with student at Girard College. Not surprisingly, the room full of young black voters welcomed Biden and Harris with roaring approval. During his speech delivered to students at Girard College, a K -12 private school, Biden commented in regard to the manner by which his campaign rival, Donald Trump, handled black voters, making reference to the color and complexion by stating, "just inject a little bleach."

The President indicated that Trump mishandled black community concerns during COVID-19 as the health community in some regions found that the majority of deaths were that of US blacks. Biden added that Trump took no responsibility for the lack of adequate response to blacks during COVID-19. Ultimately, Biden commented, that the matter comes down to promises made and promises kept. According to President Biden, the singular 2020 Trump campaign mantra hinged on keeping promises indicating further that Trump failed the black community by failing to keep his promises.

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