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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Egyptian Border Re-Opened As Hostages Escape Their Captors

US & GLOBAL: On Monday, a report from the Rafah border of eastern Egypt provides information of the entry by a number of people, presumably residents of the Gaza, delayed by the biorder's closure following the ongoing strrikes by Israel. Rafah re-opened after a temporary call for peace was requested by the US. By Anne M. Erbynsteun "[A]mbulances carrying wounded to Rafah crossing must be accompanied by ICRC and UN vehicles to protect them."--Hamas leader The Rafah border region that had been shut to evacuees from the Gaza, re-opened to allow for the fleeting chance had by passport and injued evacuees to enter into Egypt.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken issued a statement to refugees in the Rafah region, promising them that more aid would soon be crossing the border into Rafah. Today, following the request made through an agreement between President Joe Biden and Iran, a temporary halt in the violence was establshed. The free and safe passage of passport holders and slightly more than 20 trucks delivering medical and food supplies and other essential aid was delivered across the border.

On Monday, the count of passport holders reached nearly 100 as the month long lock-out situation was broken during the temporary moment of peace acknowledged by both Israel and Hamas. More were able to enter Egypt including nearly 20 injured persons who remained on the Hamas camp side since October 7. Sunday's warnings issued by Hamas leaders ensured that evacuees would be safely deposited in Egypt. The Hamas stating that all leaving the Gaza must be accompanied by ICRC security to precent a disasterous event from transpiring similar to that which occurred during the last release of Gaza residents crossing the Rafah border. Monday's evacuee exodus may represent the last of any possible exit from the Gaza region . now, after the ultiamte take over by Israel. Immediately following the procession by 80 passport hoders and 17 of the medically injured FGaza residents, the Rafah border was returned to its shut state. Gates separating the Gaza from Egypt remained a closed thoroughfare through the weekend only having been re-opened on Monday following the immense strikes that conti nued over the greater portions of fruiday-Saturday.

Today, 10,000 deaths have been re[ported since the onset of the war violence launched by Hamas forces.

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