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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Message From ENSNews General Manager

ENSNews is a news company through which news and information is imparted. The news items published by ENSNews may vary in nature and may often address the matters of concern to the people reflected in news articles that impact upon the lives of local , state, national and global communities.

ENSNews, its publisher nor employees both now and in the future will not promote nor advance the effects of impartiality nor partiality to any extremist cause, however, from time to time article may be published that may be made in reflection of issues that directly affect the national and, periodically, the global expanse and communities.

ENSNews does not support nor promote bias of any form nor that which may be reflected in nor characteristic of racism nor extremism in any area of society nor in global news reports.

As matters associated with distinctions that are often based upon race, color, sexual orientation, national origin and choice of religious faith continue to exist, it is incumbent upon this news company and , at any time now and in the future, ENSNews owners to, also, assert the expectation of its employees to maintain a clearly stated stand against racism and a commitment to promoting issues that do not abridge nor discriminate against the rights, freedoms and concerns of others.

While it is reflected as a matter of news that is directly associated with imparting information, and events that occur in the news company’s nation of location and that which occurs around the world, ENSNews may, from time to time, publish articles that reflect views that are associated with racism however such items will only become published as it states the events and status of a particular matter involved. Such matters do not reflect the views of the ENSNews owner/ publisher nor those of any one who may be employed by ENSNews.

ENSNews is an Equal Opportunity company and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, nor the choice of religious faith. ENSNews will, at all times, take a stand for promoting and supporting the rights and freedoms of others.

Thank You

Signed- Michelle Crawford-Sapenter, General Manager for ENSNews


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