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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

NY Mayor Adams Visits The House To Discuss Matter of w/ Overwhelming Influx of Asylum Seekers

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

NATION: Thursdays trip to Washington DC announced by New York Mayor Eric Adams will engaged the Mayor along with members ofthe US Congress in discussions involving the overwhelming entry of asylum seekers --now more than 100,000 entering the city of New York within the last 10 months. By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"We are headed to DC to meet with our Congressional delegation to address...this asylum and migrant issue in our city." Mayor Admas stated that he will keep the public posted on the outcome of the meetings with Congress. On one day during the month of October, Senator Ted Cruz traveled to the Texas border and while there, Cruz commented in reference to the asylum seekers conditions. Cruz stated the arduous conditions remain ongoing in regard to the numbers of asylum seekers and their present circumstances. Senator Cruz railed against Democrats for the existing situation at the border stating that their is a critical matter involving teen and pore-teen females who appear to be heading for being trafficked by unknown and unrelated men. Senator Cruz commented that girls ages 10, 13 and 16 were, apparently, being held , as if hostages, by one man who did not appear to be the father of either of the teen not pre-teen females. Emphasizing the matter of the quite apparent human and sex trafficking of minors, it was, altogether shocking that, while Senator Cruz demanded a visit be paid to the border by US Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre --calling for the Secretary to get a first hand look at the situation-- Cruz never once mentioned that he requested officers to detain and isolate the man, interview the minor girls to determine whether they were being taken by force and shuffled off to a human and sex trafficking camp at the order of drug cartel czars. Cruz, however, harshly complained that Democrats rescinded a law that would permit Border Agents the authority to obtain a DNA test, never stating that he had taken any action to rescue the 3 young girls he mentioned who were situated at the border without parents--of that Senator Cruz was fully aware. At the end ofthe day, Senator Cruz made no reference to the former administration's efforts being made to take any action that might have altered circumstances involving legally migrating asylum seekers that continue to fill the border shelters, today. Vis a vis. today, Washington prepares to received a visit by New York Mayor Adams who, together with members of Congress, will, eventually, address the matter of the Texas and Florida overwhelming influx ofthe disproportionately high and increasing volumes of state transported 100,000 asylum seekers to, also, determine what may be the best remedy for them. These events being conducted nearly 3 years after the former administration which never addressed the root causes and peered deeper into the situation by means of establshing a taskforce that might, by now, have conducted research by members of the US Senate prior to the October 2023. at the national level of each of the countries represented. Senator Cruz, ,msy perhaps, reply to the question that, while neither he nor have many others among Republicans, taken any more action to resolve the matter of the overflowing influx of asylum seekers into the United States at the Texas southern border, Cruz, himself, quite likely did nothong more than travel to the biorder and , thereafter, show boat about his visit. evidence of Cruz remarks were expressed with a high pitched critizism of Democrats, such criticizing that makes the situation not any better, does not address the ongoing crisis and only results in the sounding off of vocalized commentary that shatters the airways and the human ear while being so audaciously presented through a high octave and high volume video. New York has responded to the border and asylum seeker crisis. Cruz knows, Texas and Florida Governors have trasported asylum seeklers across the country in numbers that may currently remain uncertain by count. However, while , at the very least, Adams, Abbott and DeSantis are doing something to aleviate the congested border situation, what , pray tell, is Senator Cruz doing--what is Cruz doing? What's more is a long overdue condition that exists within the United States that not even Senator Cruz has waved his arms in the air over its sad and disenchanting exisrtence. Today, while millions of Americans remain seemingly locked into a life of desolation and destitution in the streets of major and small US cities across the nation this winter-- as with the many winters before--and as the influx of hundreds of thousands of asylum seeker aliens remain disenfranchised in the United States, the question that should, also, be put to Senator Cruz is, 'isn't there something--a surreptitious agenda-- afoot?' Why are so many asylum seeking aliens leaving their own countries and pouring into the United States, now, by the millions--an evet that has remained a constant over the last 23, at the very minimum. The answer is. actually, that this problem must be resolved at its root--in the countries of the alien asylum seeker's origin. A last minute bulletin. Today, the US is provided news in regard to an FBI raid that was conduted at the home of Mayor Adams campaign manager, Brianna Suggs. While the FBI raid was cause for the Mayor to abort his trip to Washington D.C., the FBI, now, alleges that Mayor Adams will be investigated by a Manhattan federal prosecutor involving the New York Mayor's association with a Turkish foreign philanthroper and a Brooklyn construction company.

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