POLITICS: In Washington, President Joe Biden signed a declaration in signed in regard National Emergencies Act Section 202(d) (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)). The NEA is a document that is signed by the President of the United States to declare the termination of an emergency unless the President submits a message the Federal Register to be forwarded, thereafter, to the Congress stating that the emergency declaration will contionue.
By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter, Genertal Manager
"I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency with respect to significant narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia..."--President Joe Biden
Today, President Joe Biden submitted a messaage to the Federal Register stating that the emergency status involviong Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995 providing () to Columbia will remain through October 21, 2023.
Biden submitted the declaration contained in the Executive Order number 12978 as a measure taken to observe the conditions =invpolved in the effects of drug trafficking and "...narcotics traffickers centered in Columbia."
Biden stated, today, that circumstances that developed that required the state of emergency being declarted have not been resolved. The situation in which narcotics trafficking in Columbia have continued to pose a thrtreat tpo the United States in regard to "...national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States." Biden indicated that the US continues to encounter extreme "...violence, corruption, and harm in the United States and abroad."
Biden stated, today, that it is for reasons associated with the continuation of drug trafficing centered in Columbia that the contuation of the emergency status, Executive Ordfer 12978 is made necessary.
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