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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

President in 2024: A Unanimous Decision; US President Joe Biden

POLITICS: The thing is that for as much as US Joe Biden has accomplished as President of this country, his opponent, Donald Trump has kept pace by committing what rolls out as an equitable number of errors. It's true that when Joe Biden was adorned with the 'Predident's Medal of Freedom;' that's a recognition of honor, integrity in one's contribution to the nation and society as he sought to match the height of those distinguished with great valor and soundness of ethics, Donald Trump was received the 'sword of domiciles'--that's what happens when division, dishonesty and derision exceed where integrity runs short.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

On the evening that had been anticipated more than each of the past 2 years that US President Joe Biden delivered the State of the Union address, the moment was, without question, one that captivated audiences at home and around the world. President Biden's SOTU speech, on March 7, delivered as much power and purpose as any past or future debate might render. The SOTU speech, in its towering breadth and width, renders to Biden an, albeit, inherent authority that cannot be overshadowed by the competition.

"It's not hyperbole...history is watching. ..children and grand children eill read about what we do." Biden mentioned Latoya Beasley and the Beasley family's accession to IVF and the family's plan to, agsin, choose IVF as an option for child bearing. Biden mentioned the assault on freedom that attempts to remove women's reproductive rights through the revision of Roe v Wade. In support of IVF child bearing, Biden stated, "Let's stand up for families like her's. Let's not keep this... ( IVF as a lawful option to child bearing) ...waiting any longer."

Kate Cox: Texas family forced to seek abortion elsewhere after physician's life & death prognosis during pregnancy.

Last night, President Joe Biden stood on the shoulders ofthe founders ofthe United States and with equal fortitude and courage. Biden commented in regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the commitment by the Biden administration to stand with Ukraine and Putin's attempt at autonomy --with total firmness and utter vehemence, Biden stated, "No way we'll walk away!"

Last night, President Biden stated his fight to end the plight of democracy stating tge commitment to defending democracy against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

While one of the United States most fierce opponents of democracy and the rule of law now faces off with President Biden in the 2024 election, in his speech, Biden mskes it clear just who the opponent of American democracy is-- one who would take action to oppose a lawful political process in the form of a violent attack on the US government's and tge people's most revered and solemn grounds st the U.S. Capitol, January 6, 2021. During his speech, President Biden emphasized the significance of the United States status of integrity stating "... political violence has no place in place."

Beyond the moments that were so magnanimously approving and so over-laced with applause--when there had been any such moment in the space of President Biden's more than 75 minute speech--President Biden was equipped with comments on infrastructure and more.

Certainly, the accomplishments and actions of any president are valuable to the people of tge United Ststes. While tge accomplishments if the Biden- Harris administration are quite note worthy, President Niden , also, highlighted a number of points undertaken by his administration.

Among the notable comments made last night during his speech, President Joe Biden, also, highlighted the efforts made to address the nation's infrastructure through investments there and in other areas requiring the longstanding urgent attention of the federal government. The Predident's list unfolds as followed:

  1. Healthcare and Reproductive Rights:

  1. Foreign Policy and National Security:

  1. Social Justice and Equity:

While every presidency has its challenges and critics, President Biden’s speech reflected tge Biden administration's commitment to addressing critical issues facing the nation. As we are aware that "..history is watching..." the impact of the Biden administration's actions and achievements will resonate throughout the United States from Washington DC. to fireign lands around the globe and in the halls of academia where students, young and old, will read, learn and discuss generation after generation.

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