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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Taiwan Rocked By 7.4 Magnitude Earthquake-9Dead, 900 Injured

US & GlOBAL:: Today, a 7.4 Richter Scale earthquake struck the nation of Taiwan. The report made by news media in the last 15 minutes provides significant details associated with tge same and deaths. According to reports, 9 people were discovered as having suffered fatalities. Is The possibility that, while the PRC claims Taiwan as its own province, China will step in to provide aid to the Taiwan people and tge rebuilding of Taiwan have been brought to a stand still.

By Anne M Erbynstein

Taiwan, a region prone to seismic activity, experienced its strongest earthquake in 25 years today. The magnitude-7.4 quake struck off the east coast, resulting in nine fatalities and over 900 injuries.

Taiwan lies along the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, a zone of seismic faults encircling the Pacific Ocean where most of the world’s earthquakes occur. The event was triggered by the convergence of the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian Plate to the east of the island .

In reaction to Taiwan’s disaster- ridden condition Beijing expressed concern and offered disaster assistance to Taiwan through its Taiwan Affairs Office. However, Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council declined the offer, stating that there was no need for mainland assistance in disaster relief .Taiwan’s population is well-prepared for earthquakes due to its frequent exposure to seismic activity.

Authorities, expecting a relatively mild quake, did not issue alerts, but the eventual temblor was strong enough to unsettle even those accustomed to such shaking.

The quake caused buildings to collapse, landslides, and damage to roads, bridges, and tunnels. In the aftermath of tge quake, the semiconductor industry, including Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), was found in shambles-devastatingly affected by tge shake up. At this time as tge dust clears, evacuations and partial shutdowns continue

Today, China has offered aid, however, the Taiwan’s government has declined it. The priority now is to save lives and manage the aftermath of this significant seismic event.

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