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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Tennessee Court: Attorney For Mills family, Crump Faults MPD Policies For 29 Yr Old Nichols' Death

STATE & NATIONAL: In a Tennessee court, Memphis police officer, Desmond Mills has accepted a plea agreement in for the charges of the state and federal criminal cases to which the officer will respond. Mills was charged with the use of excessive force and deliberate indifference, conspiracy to tamper with witnesses and obstruction of justice in regard to the beating death of Tyre Nichols.

Attorney Ben Crump stated that the death of Nichols was amatter associated with MPD policies. Crump stated, "...policies were..." indisputably"...behind what, ultimately caused Mills and four other officers to kill Trye Nichols."

In the month of January 2023, 29 year old Tyre Nichols was stopped for a routine traffic check that resulted in a brutal blugeoning by 5 Memphis police officers. The officers were tagged as the Scorpion Unit, apparently a group of MPDs that engaged in the beatings and murders of those they targeted. The report made by Tennessee Attorney General, Steve Mulroy indicates that Mills plead guilty to each of the charges to which state charges were added. Mills faces a 15 year sentence as requested by the prosecution in response to each of the convictions --each that will be served concurrently. Additional charges brought against Mills by the state of Memphis charge Mills with 2nd degree murder, aggravated assault, official oppression 2 counts of aggravated kidnapping and wo counts of official msiconduct. Handling the civil case for the Mills family, Attorney Ben Crump stated, today, that the department and its policies were responsible for the death of Nichols.

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