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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

The Decisions Are • Harris Walks w/Presidential Debate Sewn Up

POLITICS: On Tuesday in Philadelphia, debate night unfolded with a plan by each candidate to arrive at a specific end—eliminating the competition. Eliminating her competition is precisely the endcarrived at by Democratic candidate for President, Kamala Harris.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

“Clearly, he is having a very difficult time accepting…” he was…” fired by 81 million voters…”

If the 2024 Presidents’ debate had been carried form Rtg in another arena—a boxing ring, perhaps—Vice President Harris would have been the noticeable Victor as the referee held her hand high , her feet planted firmly in the torso of her defeated foe. What might have been a sight to see by millions of Americans, of course, turned out to be the real life version of the political battle conducted in a Philadelphia civic center — no mobs scaling the walls or clamoring to get into the center against the lawful will of the ABC host.

“16 Nobel laureates say Trump’s plan would increase inflation and land us in a recession.” Harris speaks in reference to Trumps economic plan while the same experts describe the Harris plan as “vastly superior”

Today, the Harris dust has settled neatly atop a mountain of retorted comments and a number of quite powerful responses to questions posed by moderators.

At times, as it seemed that Harris had thrown Donald Trump into a tizzy, the former President was often left with no place to run. At one point Trump crashed into a brick wall of , it’s said, no less than 30 lies, one of which was a statement made in regard to Haitian migrants in Springfield, Illinois snatching and eating resident’s dogs and cats.

“Trump wanted a 20% tax on everyday goods. That would cost families $4,000 dollars a year.”— Candidate for US President Vice President Kamala Harris

The moment was wholly an embarrassment for Trump as the moderator spoke forward interrupting Trump with facts stating that neither the Springfield police department nor the Springfield City Manager were able to confirm Trumps statement. What was confirmed was the after math calculation of falsehoods stated by Trump during the 1:45 minute debate.

Harris was quite a bit more clever. The Bice President stood upon facts, stating the truths that were served up line a blow to the gut for Trump. At one point as Trump attempted to rant in regard to immigration Harris entered a resounding rebuttal when stating that Trump failed at signing a bipartisan immigration bill.

A most significant point reached during the debate was that which transpired when Harris appeared to lose her patience with the string of false claims made by the former President. Harris unleashed tge truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth when she said; “ foreign leaders are laughing at you. Adding the military referred to Trump as a “ disgrace,” stating that he was weak and wrong.

Evading the pertinent issues that would be requested of the candidates by moderators, Trump wanted nothing better than to persuade viewers and apparently his gaggle of constituents, that his rallies were entertaining. The fact is that Harris’ campaign rallies have been most entertaining. The Vice President has responded to the thousands of voters who have taken the time to demonstrate their hope and trust in her for becoming President showering the roaring crowds with special entertainment - half times that have included performances by dancers and more for the singular purpose of showing her appreciation.

Summarily, the greatest impresdion taken from the lengthy debate is that a number of white piercing points were made by the Democratic candidate for US President Harris , such that sufficiently described her readiness to rise to the point of serving as the U.S. President and, hiven her extendive experience in California politics ; serving as tge Attorney General, San Francisco prosecutor, in tge US Senate and as Bice President ; no doubt, Kamala Harris, the 56 year old well seasone candidate is prepared to get the job done.

Following her tremendous success during this, tge first Presidents’ debate, Vice President Harris may be shoring up kindling woods to meet up with Trump for the next debate whike Trump will continue battling felony and other criminal cases in U.S. courts.

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