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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Trump 2024 Presidential Run Aborted - Colorado Removes Trump’s Name From Ballot

NATION: Today, Colorado Supreme Court bans former President , Donald Trump, from competing in the 2024 General election. In the last 12 months of considering his fate, it seems the former President determined that acting upon the US Condtitution which would allow even a convicted felon to run for US President ,

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"We conclude that the foregoing evidence, the great bulk of which was undisputed at trial, established that President Trump engaged in insurrection."-- Colirado Supreme Court

Following the Colorado decision,, former President Trump who had been propelled by an alter Joe driving force that encouraged his entry into the 2024 election is now a total lost cause, Today, what with the decision made by tge Colorado Supreme Court to ptohibit Donald Trump placing his name on the state ballot , it appears , without question that any attempt by Trump to run for President in 2024 would be totally baneful.

"Trump’s direct and express efforts, over several months, exhorting his supporters to march to the Capitol to prevent what he falsely characterized as an alleged fraud on the people of this country were indisputably overt and voluntary.”-- Colorado Dupreme Court

Today, the actions taken by Colorado election commissioners is unprecedented. Never , acvording to file, and save for the General election run by the eglatarisn , Marcus Garvey, there is no record of any U.S. presidential hopeful being blocked out of a single state, prohibiting -- and otherwise, in this regard--relegating a bid for president in 2024 to a mere ludicrous efforts on his part.

Now, with further perusal of the 14th Amendment, tge decision that has been made indicates that former President Donald Trump is ineligible for becoming the US President-- the decision cited is based upon the prosecution associated with the January 6th insurrection.

In tge Volorado Dupreme court it has been stated that the former President , Trump ' not only incited .." the January 6th rioting agsinst the federal facility, as President, Trump made no effort to stop the attack on the U.S. Capitol-- an offensive act conducted by a President against the U.S. federal gobmvernment.

Aldo, backing the Colorado Supreme Court's decision, tge court recanted comments in regard to evidence that former president Trump made vehement attempts at forcing , then, Vice President, Mike Pence into negating the Joe Biden election confirmation on the day of and as procedures were being carried forward in Congress at the Capitol Building at the time the insurrection, against Congress occurred, 2021.

The Colorado Dupreme Court's final decision was based on the statutes written in tge 14th Amendment which summarily states that no one may run for President if, at any time, he has engaged in an insurrection agsinst the US federal government.

The Colorado Supreme Court found the charges, allegations and indictments against Donald Trump's to be irrefutable. Colorado's Supreme Coyrt timed that , based on the evidence, Trump's name would be removed from the Colorado ballot.

The matter will remain pending until January 4 allowing the former President the time necessary to file an appeal.

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