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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Zelensky Speaks To Global Leaders During World Economic Forum

Updated: Jan 19

US & GLOBSAL: Earlier in the week, a frustrated, however, diligent Ukraine President, Volodymyr Zelensky, spine before thousands of world leaders whike in attendance during the World Economic Forum . The Switzerland held conference brought together a world of national leaders who listened as Zelensky spoke in reference to concerns surrounding the current and projected economic standing of global nations. including Ukraine.

By Anne M Erbynstein

Zelensky asked the question that while the war ahmgsinst Ukraine has persisted for 2 years, " will there be a WWIII?"

As Ukraine President spoke, one might have heard the reticent cries of his people and even Xrlensky's own outcry for ending the war brought about by the vile and vicious comportment of Russian leader, Vladimir Putin in his refusal to ensure Ukraine independence.

The Ukraine leader,spoke of the invasions by Putin of Africa, Syria and Ukraine and other regions. Zelensky commented on the manner by which Putin has unleashed war upon innocent people for more than 14 years inflicting pain and more pain

It is Zelendky's impression that what Putin attempts, to impose upon the world; mass deportstion, cities and villages leveled to the ground and the haunting feeling that "...the war may never end."

Zelensky reiterated the thematic statement made in the last year of conflict in which he indicated that if any nation in the world thinks its only about Ukrsine they are wuite mistaken.

Challenging global nation's, Zelensky asked, how many other nation are vurrentmynprtt et pared to hold off Russia as Ukraine has in the day after day plight of enduring the war 's violent attacks.

Ukraine President Zelensky applauded his country's men and women who are at work to defend their country and protect its people-- " they are the champs," Zelensky stated.

President Zelensky stated that he spoke with tge coordinator ofthe Switzerland WEF stating that he has inquired in regard to an international summit that may be held in the near future, 2024.

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