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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Houthi Militia Crumbles in Yemen As US,UK & 6 Allied Forces Strike Significant Sites

US & GLOBAL: On Monday, Houthi militants in Yemen were overwhelmed by U.S. and UK air strikes. US , UK and allies stormed Houthis striking 8 sites during Monday's air raid.

By Anne M Erbynstein

"Our aim is to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea."-- US President Joe Biden

Since the news of Houthi strikes reached the US , UK and allied military forces have taken drastic measures to end the senseless missile strikes made against civilian and U.S. Navy vessels. Responding with only statements of their support for Arab and Hamas fighting against Israel, Houthi militia has persisted with shellings as allied partners respond with defense.

Weeks have passed since US President Joe Biden warned the rebel fighters to end their strikes agsinst U.S. vessels. and others traveling through the Red Sea--many of which are cargo ship varryinh supplies.

Biden spoke, today, with British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, both leaders who share in launching strikes in retskiayion efforts against about his. Biden commented today that western forces "...will not hesitate to defend the lives..." and preserve essential " flow of commerce..." passing through the critical waterways of the Red Sea.

Biden commented in regard to the continued threats that, the President indicated , the US, UK, Canada and other partners including Australia, Netherlands and Bahrain would not sit still and permit Yemen Houthis continue with imposing danger upon the Red Sea.

US and sllies forces began launching strikes in Yemen on January 11. In the last nearly 2 weeks, USand allies have struck more than 30 Houthi sites as the fight continues to weaken tge Iran backed militia .

Today, as the US moves ahead with Operation Posriden Archer in Yemen, the IS Deputy Defense Press Secretary, Sabrina Singh commented in regard to the last week of fighting between Houthi and allied forces. Singh stated that Houthis have not returned fire agsinst US and s allies since January 18.

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