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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

US Issued Warnings To Iran To Divert ISIS Attack

US & GLOBAL: Today, US defense department reports on the matter of an attempt at preventing an ISIS strike in Kerman, Iran. The U.S. indicated that a warning was made to Iran prior to the violent attack by ISIS forces however no ingormation had been provided in regard to the manner of correspondence.

BY Anne M. Erbynstein.

On January 3rd, the US warning isdued to Iran in regard to a planned ISIS attack was an act that carried forth the "duty to warn."

According to international military policy, the duty to warn is that which is expected to be carried girth by other nations. The United States received information of the attack and took action as a matter of integrity toward the government that has conducted attacks against the U.S. in the last several months.

The US indicated that the warning was quite clearly stated informing Iran of the significant location and general timing of the attack planned by the ISIS -Khorasan dividion

US intelligence provided the information within a significant amount of time to alert Iran in regard to the attack on Tehran, however, whike the warning was received by officials there, nothing had been done to avert the kamakazi attack on Kerman.

Ingormation provided by Tehran in regard to the ISIS -K attack indicated that suicide bombers launched the violent attack during a memorial ceremony conducted in memory oftge commander of tge Islamic Revolutionary Gusrd -Quds Division, Quessam Soleimoni, assasdinated 4 years ago in Baghdad.

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