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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Visits The In Wisconsin to Dedicate the () Bridge’s Reconstruction

Updated: Jan 26

POLITICS: Today, President Joe Biden met with employees and () oftge () in Wisconsin . Biden spoke to the group in regard to the rebuilding of an essentisl thoroughfarevtgat crosses the () Bay and connects Wisconsin to Minnesota.

By Michelle Crawford -Sapenter

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden visited with Governors of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, the Governor of Minnisota, Tim Walz and Senators Amy Kobluchar, Tammy Balein Tina Smith snd Mayors; Payne, Wisconsin and Brian of Minnesota. President Biden engaged in speaking before a vibrant group of employees and () ofthe ().

"This is a project that will serve hundreds of communities between our states."--Governor Tim Walz

President Biden focused on Bidenomics and the many areas of progress made since 2021 when the Biden -Harris administration took over the White House. Biden stated that the overall plan focused on investing in America.

"“A new Blatnik Bridge means safer vehicle travel and better support for the billions of dollars in freight moving across the bridge each year,”"-- Governor Tony Evers

According to Biden, consumers activity is robust while the results of Bidenomics have broken records. Today, the cavitation of new budiness filings in the US is registered at 16.0million.

Last year, the economy grew by 3.9% despite the suggestion that a recession would overwhelm the US economy during the last 2 quarters of the year. Biden stated in reference to Trump and he quoted the former President stating that he was "... actually hoping the economy would crash. Instead, Biden indicated that his administration grew tge US economy at lengths that surpass Trump era economic growth.

President Biden commented that epic growth is due to his concept for building the US economy from the middle out, bottom up.

Commenting in regard to the number of jobs created as a result of Bidenomics, Biden indicated that more than 14 million jobs have been created in the U.S. since he took office-- 160,0k in Wisconsin and more than 200.0k new jobs have been created in Minnesota. Rounds of applause were heard as Biden mentioned the reconstruction of the John A Blatnik Memorial Bridge stating that whike much talk had bad heard about its rebuilding, it has only been brought to fruition today as a result of Bidenomics.

Biden stated that his plan for the reconstruction ofthe Blatnik Memorial Bridge would pour $1.09billion dollars into the Wisconsin/Minnesota for bridge reconstruction.

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