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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden and Austin’s Agree To Taking Further Steps Necessary To Defend The US Against Iran Attacks

US & GLOBAL: It has been weeks since the news exposed the events involving the Iran backed Houthi attacks on U.S. vessels and other commercial and cargo ships. Since that time US President Joe Bide issued statements warning Iran leaders of the potential for violent retaliation by the US in such event that Houthi attacks persists. In the most recent moments involving the US response to violent aggression by Iran militia , the President has called upon the U.S. military under the command of Secretary General, Lloyd Austin III to respond in a manner of retaliation to the relentless drone strikes launched by Iran- backed militia.

By Anne M Erbynstein

"Iran-backed militias are responsible for these continued attacks on U.S. forces, and we will respond at a time and place of our choosing." President Biden backed the statement made by Defense Secretary, Austin stating "We will respond,"

"The three American service members were patriots inthe highest sense. ...Their ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten by our nation."-- US President Joe Biden

In the last week of endless firing upon Iran equipment and weapons silos in Yemen and safe cells in the Middle East in an effort that was meant to weaken the Iran backed militia. While Houthi attacked seemed to ebb, the US continued its attempt at negotiating for peace. Plans for peace talks fail in Tehran fail as US leader face the reality that the Middle East policy is that of warmongering while no diplomatic policy exists within the aspect of Iran military plan of action.

The recent drone strike that killed 3 black foldiers in Jordan has created a frenzy among Arab military regimes as Iran prepares for the U.S. to retaliate.

Victims of the Jordan drone strike on Sunday were launched against a section of the U.S. Army' division''s camping grounds where US soldiers slept in tents in a region referred to as Tower 22 located near the border of Syria and Jordan.

As anticipated the US has stated its position regarding Iranian drone strikes, stating that retaliation is certain.

President Biden and Secretary Austin have stated their agreement to responding to the Iran attack. Austin adding that there will be no tolerating attacks on US troops. Austin stated that the "American military will take the necessary action to defend the United Ststes, our troops and outmr interests."

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