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Blinken Questioned By Lawmakers on US Fighter Jets Sales Void of Congressional Approval

US & GLOBAL: Earlier in the month of January, , US President Joe Biden formed an agreement with US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken stating that weapons would be delivered to Israel. The more than $100 billion dollar deal would be examined by members ofthe Senate who questioned Blinken's decision to move forward with the deal short of a. congresdional apptoval.

By Anne M Erbynstein

Today, lawmakers reached Secretary Blinken to inquire with him in regard to his decision stating that matters involving the delivery of military devices as those set forth in the deal would require a review by Congress prior to an approval.

According to the report, 19 Democratic lawmakers engaged in inquiries aimed at gathering some measure of understanding the rationsle Blinken enforced as a means of determining the safety and certainty of the weapons that we're deployed to Israelmin December.

Lawmakers informed Blinken of the certain need for conducting oversight of the arms to determine whether they are "...consistent with humanitarian principles and US Law.

Questions were raise in regard to whether the F-16s and F-35s Fighter jets woukd advance or harm national security.

Blinken agreed to move "13,000 tanks shells; the second, in lDecember for “155mm ancillary items including fuzes, charges, and primers that make 155mm shells functional.”

Blinken stated that tge US took the initiative to move the weapons given their functionality the benefit of a doubt while stating, "We want to make sure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself against Hamas."

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