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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

House Votes Favor Resolution To Impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas

NATION: Today in Washington, a House panel took final steps in filing Articles of Impeachment involving DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. A recent plan orchestrated by Republican Houee members was determined as a result of disputes over Secretary Mayorkas' handling of the border crisis.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden says, " I've done all I could do at the border, " while both the President and DHS Secretary , now, hold Congress responsible for developing legislature sufficient for resolving the border crisis.

Todsy, while the US House releases its latest arrival involving the impeachment of Department of Homeland Secutity, Alejandro Mayorkas, Democrats are planning to unify efforts at disputing over the impeachment modt consider a matter worthy of their dispute.

Mayorkas was charged with failure to secure the border against unlawful entry during that which developed into a massive push for entry into the U.S. by 20,000 illegal aliens who remained hold-up at the southern border of Texas for several months.

More recently, Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott pushed back against a Suoreme Court decision to have razor wire removed from the Texas-Mexico border. Abbott recently received a massive shipment of razor wire following his executive order to have illegal alienate arrested.

While events transpired and the mass influx of illegal migration persisted, Governor Abbott filed a declaration citing DHS officials over an apparent invasion of Texas -- that, invliding , at least, 4 border states.

In his most recent testimony, Secretary Mayorkas delivered a few return punches to the Republican Congress. Congress' vlsims made agsinst the Secretary included criticism of his obligation to msintdin an open door to asylum seekers. While it had not been determined whether 20million illegal migrants that have flooded into the United States in the last decade were , each one, seeking a safe haven the appearance of huddled masses arriving at the border in the last months consistently passed through border security and further to other points throughout the nation.

Mayorkas has argued the point that decades of southern border breaches is evidence that the ongoing border crisis is not new. Mayorkas stated further that a " legislative solution " as a response to the border situation, Mayorkas adding , " only Congress can provide..." the necesssry legislation.

In a response to the House panel held in 2023, Secretary Mayorkas called out Congress on failing at failing to perform legislative duties that might resolve the current border situation. Mayorkas swings back at Congress stating "... you claim we have failed to enforce our immigration laws. That is false!"

In a vote of 18-15, the House decided in favor of a resolution that charged Mayorkas with refusing to uphold his duty to maintain the laws surrounding US border invasion prevention and, also, vlsims made asserting the Secretary's having provided false information in regard to the border being secured to the point that no ingress was being accomplished by undocumented immigrants.

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