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Biden Announces The Proclamation on National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, 2024

Updated: Feb 1

"During National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, we recommit to building a future where our Nation’s young people can live free from violence, fear, and abuse."--Joseph R Biden, US President

POLITICS: On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden delivered comments in regard to teen dating violence prevention. President Biden stated the statistical breakdown associated with teen secusl and physical violence routinely encountered during dating.

By Michelle Crawford-Sspenter

"Violence, intimidation, and fear — whether perpetrated in person or online — can upend the lives of young people during some of their most formative years and have lifelong consequences.."--President Joe Biden.

Today, according to research conducted in the United States among teens, the results indicate that 1 in 12 high school students have experienced a form of physical or sexual violence .

"I was proud to sign the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which increased investment in programs working to reduce teen dating violence."--US President Joe Biden

More reports made as a result of the White Housecresearch indicate that teens are more likely to experience an increased event of violent relationships throughout their lives. Most teens who existence teen dating violence suffer with trauma , anxiety and depression.

"Throughout my career, I have fought against abuses of power. As a United States Senator, I wrote and championed the groundbreaking Violence Against Women Act that became law in 1994. Preventing and responding to gender-based violence wherever it occurs and in all of its forms is a cause I care about deeply, and it has remained a cornerstone of my career in public service." --US President Joseph R Biden

Last year, the Biden-Harris administration released the first National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence. The plan is equipping teens with the tools necessary to have healthier relationships, also equipping survivors with resources they need and , otherwise preventing teen dating violence.

"This month, may we come together to end teen dating violence and ensure our teens feel safe, protected, and empowered to live lives free from violence and full of dignity and respect.  "--US President Joe Biden

The White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse was created to provide teens with the ability to avoud becoming victims of online abuse. The Task Force is at work to prevent "...the misuse of technology as tools of abuse, harassment, and exploitation.  In 2022,"

Biden announced plan made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide training and education for teens and families to teach young teens how to engage in healthy relationships and how to leave abusive ones.

The CDC provides an online portal for information at

Also, President Biden announced a plan to a help teens get help through the National Fomestic violence hotlines. Loved ones and friends who know of someone suffering violent abuse csn Aldo hrlp by encouraging your loved onnir friend to contact, by calling 1-866-331 9474 (TTY: 1-800-787-3224), or texting “LOVEIS” to 22522..

Biden signed into law the Proclamation on National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, 2024 making February , 2024 National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.

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