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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Texas Joined By 3 Southern Border States & Supporters In Declaring Invasion By Illegal Immigrants

Updated: Feb 4

NATION: In Washington, a new proposal of the U.S. Immigration bill will be discuss at length on Monday, says, US Senator Chuck Schumer. The revised immigration bill is reputed as being an unprecedented bill that includes a number of points and a $118 billion dollar military and critical border package.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter.

While , it has been said, today, that dome Republicans are severely split between the Democrats and GOP interests involving the immigration/military aid bill package. Today, Republican Senator Krysten Senima commented in regard to the southern border crisis and tge invasion of , st least, 4 southern US states stating, the border bill is a certain, "... disincentive for people coming into the country. Senima stated further, "We'll no longer have people coming into the country and going to court in tge next 10 years

According to comments made by members of the U.S. Senate, following the tying up of loose ends, by lawmakers, today, that there will be legitimate asylum seekers approaching a stay in the U.S. whose documentation may be sped up, however, the likelihood that stark illegal Immigrants entry will be pervasive in the United Ststes is, now ended with the approval ofthe proposed bill.

The Senate-completed bill includes aid to zUkraine and Israel along with humanitarian aid meant for Israel. One of the most gripping pieces of kegiation contained in the package is the new no tolerance segment of the bill which, at $20billion dollars for increasing security at the southern border, adding National Guard troops and other essentisl tools to stop illegal crossings is expected to alleviate the crisis.

In the last weeks as southern US Ststes have wrestled with the increasing inflows of illegal migrants, officials in Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona are joined by the supporter states of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, and the Arizona.

Texas and the 3 southern border states have declared an invasion. Today, as efforts continue to be made to push back agsinst the invasion by more than 20, 000 , currently situsted at tge southern border in Texas alone and more than 10.0 million over the last 2 administrations, border agents have worked alone to bring asylum seeking and illegal aliens border crossings to a halt.

Recently, border police have displayed video footage of illegal crossings by aliens who , by the hundreds, conduct their strategic illegal entry into the U.S., such that includes scaling the 20ft.high border fence, breaching floating barriers and treading the waters at shallow points in the Tio Grande River. Most illegal crossers are blocked by Governor Gregg Abbott's razor wire which laces terrain at one ofthe river opposite Texas .

Texans, ( not Texians) who are black, white , Asian Arab and Hispanic, are a majority among several other residents in the state of Texas. The Governor of Texas has, no doubt responded to tge invasion by illegal Latino nationals, in the last 24 months, with patience while negotiations with Latin nation leaders have persisted. In the more recent hours of interactivity involving dealing with the Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico border crisis, the 4 Governors have taken stronger steps reacting to an outrageous gathering of illegal aliens at souther border points of entry.

More recently four southern border Governors have indicated they' ve had enough, declaring an invasion by illegal immigrants. Governors Abbott, Newsome, Hobbs, Lujan-Grisholm, have made a strong request to the federal government to help states prevent the invasion.

Today, Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona Hovernirs await the outcome ofthe proposed Senate bill.

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