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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Harris Takes Stand For Dallas Abortion Seeker & Women’s Freedom

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

NATION: In a recent statement made in response to the decision by a Texas court to deny one woman the right to seek an abortion, Vice President Kamala Harris takes a stand for women's freedom following a situation involving Kate Cox, 31 Dallas resident.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"I stand with those in Texas and across America who continue to courageously fight for the freedom of every woman to make decisions about her own body."-- US Vice President Kamala Harris

Abortion; a former U.S. Constitutionsl right rescinded by the U.S. Suoreme Court in 2023. This year women actoss the country have faced the new reality-- that seeking to eliminate the unborn fetus is virtually impossible for any reason other than a threat to the pregnant woman's life.

In Texas, Kate Cox learned just how imposdible a matter that obtaining an abirmyion has become after the Texas Supreme Court denied her right to obtain an abortion despite Cox's argument for preserving her fertility.

In the last months tgst have followed the end of Woe v Wade's law provisional abortion right, states across the nation have elected to require abortion seeking women to petition the court for being approved for abortion.

Today's post Roe v Wade decision, has provided an alternative direction for courts. Today, numerous courts and state Supreme Courts are receiving cases by women who challenge the new legal standard-- an abortion must be cleared by the court , possibly, following a request being made to an abortion clinic. Women, in some instances, pursuing such a process referred, thereafter, to the court for approval may, in the very near future, be faced with securing a statement from her physician indicating that her life is in certain jeopardy should she not abort the unborn fetus.

The case involving Kate Cox may be appealed, however, tge Texas Supreme Court vacated a Texas lower court decision thereafter denying Cox the right to an abortion. While appealing a TSC decision is likely for Cox, however, to some, including Texas Attorney General, the exonerated Ken Paxton, the pursuit of an abortion by most women is regarded as purely appalling. Paxton fought Cox in Dallas and succeeded in securing the September Coyrt's denial

Today, US Vice President Kamala Harris restates her stand for the freedoms that are had by women. Harris spoke recentky tin regard to Texas and tge political extremists who stood to oppose Cox and others who Harris states are perpetrating a fraud in their claims that assert concern for women's health and for babies. Harris states that it is these very political extremists who are endangering women's health.

Vice President Harris vegan her administrative stent stating her commitment to women's freedom. In her reaction to the matter of abortion rights for women in Texas , Vice President Harris stated her continued stand for Texas women and their freedoms.

In regard to the decision made by the Texas Suoreme Court, Vice President Harris pontificated,' " The hypocrisy! The cruelty!"

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