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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

President Biden Signs Executive Order Adding New Dimension To Tribal Nations

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

POLITICS: In December, US President Joe Biden held the White House Tribal Nations' Summit speaking with Tribal leaders --those the President was reminded of the late Daniel Inouiye who tmentioned to the, at that time, Senator Biden to refer to Tribal people's nations only as nations not Tribsl people's nations. Biden jokingly commented, " I was raised by Danny Inouiye."

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"That's why I committed to working with you... To honor the solemn promise the United States made to Tribal nations, to fulfill our federal trust and treaty obligations, and to work together to rebuild Tribal economies and institutions."-- US President Joe Biden

President Biden commented, in regard to the progress made by the US government with Tribal nations. Biden stated that the summit the group attended was held to provide an opportunity to engage in much needed conversation

President Biden stated that, while progress has been made, there is a need to further nation-to-nation improvements that will provide for the Indigenous people who live under the policies of the past.

Biden stated that his plan for addressing matters at issue to Trubal nations is a first. The President stated his plan is to make tge era a new reality for Tribal Nations.

In the last 2.5 years, tge Biden administration has increased investments in Tribsl Nations. As a step taken through the ARP, Tribal Nations have been provided essential vaccines. The Bipartisan Infrastructure plan ensured that Tribal nations would receive the reconstruction and new construction of roads, bridges, water, high-speed Internet, electricity, integration irrigation, and environmental cleanup,

President Biden spoke quite with encouragement tothe people of Tribal Nations and their leaders stating that his administration has provided much more "Because you deserve it, and it’s long overdue."

During the Tribal Nations' Dummit, President Biden signed an Executive Order providing grants to applicants in a number of efficient areas that will add to the economic standing of the Tribal communities.

The President signed the The Executive Order Reforming Federal Funding and Support for Tribal Nations to Better Embrace Our Trust Responsibilities [and] Promote the ex- – era — the Next Era of Tribal Self-Determination.

Biden commented stating that with the signing of the Executive Order, a new direction in Tribsl Nations' sovereignty is approaching a new horizon.

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