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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Wade Requests Court To Rescind Subpoena For Financial Records

Updated: Feb 10

STATE & NATIONAL: In the last week in Fulton County, Ga., , the climate inthe judicial atmosphere has remained frenetic. The starting the frenxmxt transpired during the allegations brought against niw former Feirgis election violations prosecutor, Fani Willis and peaked at the point of the total unraveling of Willis hold on the Trump RICO Act violations trial. Following in lock- step, Soecisl Investigator, Nathan Wade petitions tge court for a cancellation of a subpoena issued for the release of Wade's financial records.

By Anne M Erbynstein.

In court, today, Spevisl counsel for the Fulton Coubty DAs office asked the court to end the pursuit for his financial records. While the petition is meant to receive a response prior to the February 15th trial, Wade spoke clearly in regard to his urgent call for the court's decision.

Wade has led the team of prosecutors in the case involving Trump and the indictment of the 19 codefendants. The matter involving the request made by the court. Wade indicates, msy have an impact on the outcome of the upcoming trial.

The clsim being made by attorneys for RICO Act violation defendants have made request for Wade's files following allegations that the Fulton County special counsel was paid excessive sums involving his official salary. Wade had denied the claims made surrounding financial clsims hiwever, last week, both he and Willis confessed to having a romantic intersection.

Wade was asked to provide records of his personal credit card records-- statements include documentation of Wades trips to Miami and San Francisco in 2022.

Dorvisl counsrl Nathan Wade who has, also, faced off with his wife during a divorce, agreed last week to temporary conditions in regard to the status of his divorce from wife, Joycelyn Wade.

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