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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Fukton County DA Takes A Stand For Her Position As FC Top Judiciary Official

Updated: Feb 16

"It's highly offensive when someone lies on you." --Fukton Ciunty DA, Fani Willis

STATE & NATIONAL: Todsy, as hervtestimony was given in regard to the allegations surround a romantic relationship between Fulton County DA, Fani Willis and Special Counsel hired to investigate the Trump RICO Act violations, Nathan Wade, the DA stood boldly facing the challenge against her credibility, stating that the allegation against her are " lies..."

By Anne M Erbynstein

An apparent force to contend with, the Trump team of legsl ptod are at work to try and discredit Fulton County DA to do little more than have her removed from trying the salaciously charged Trump case involving voting fraud and conspiracy among members of Trump's team to reverse the status of votes that tallied in favor of Trump's opponent, the victor in the 2020 election, Joe Biden.

In addition to her statement that claiming sordid liasdons with Wade prior to his having worked for her. Willis stated that she did not live with Wade at any time.

Today, as tge opponent attempts to convince the court to have Willis dismissed from the Trump trial,

while a stop-gap in the Trump side transpired when both Willis and Wade submitted to having engaged in romantic hues, however, flatly defied any portion of Mumerchant's attempt at claiming that the romance between her and Wade benefitted her financially.

Instead, as Mervhsnt dlung libelous question through the court aiming at clsims made against Willis in regard to financial impropriety, Willis made vehement comments in response to Trump team attorney's clsims stating that she reimbursed Wade for travel expenses for portions ofthe investigation travel that the DA's office requested being conducted.

Whike the Trump side attorneys attempt to push the romance discrediting narrative, the questions rose, earlier in the week, was whether Wade efforts at prosecuting the election violations case would stand to permit his ability to msintsin attorney client privilege. Wade is, now, provided legal counsel by divorce attorney Terrence Bradley.

In court, Trump's attorneys have turn toward Bradley in their added attempt at discrediting the lawyer for Wade--one who was not firectky involved in the RICO Violations case.

Also, as testimony by Eillis progressed, Trump defense attorneys found it impossible to drive tge mail in the coffin. Unable to uncover any lambasting evidence that Willis has, in any manner, benefitted from her connection to Special counsel, Nathan Wade, the Trump team 's plot agsinst Willis may have already fizzled.

While it was made evident to tge court that Merchant sought to have Willis removed from the RICO Violations Act trial, today, it seems likely that the Trump team has not satisfied tge court on either claim and, for all their efforts, may find that Willis'' position as tge Fulton Vounty DA is safe and secure..

At this time, however, as the clock winds down for Fulton County being able to endure their ability to forge ahead on the Trump trial , today, it remains questionable whether trial will be carried forth prior to the 2024 General Election.

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