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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Harris VP Reputation Stretching Around The Globe, Haley’s A Match at the ‘H’ in Their Names

NATION: It has been in the last weeks of her campaign for the return to the White House that Vice President Kamala Harris has not wasted one moment looking over her shoulder at the () competitors. Harris, the U.S. Vice President has circled the globe from her seat in the White House to meetings with Chinese and Middle East leaders to the more recent meet ups with Ukrsine President Zelensky and German Chancellor Sholtz-not to mention appearing on TheView, Meet The Press in response those who have sought after her for interviews --she would hardly have one moment to react with apprehension while conducting the real time affects of prescribed VP position. Harris, the First woman to serve as the United States Vice President, with her rather smooth , yet, firm professional style , has convinced those who, earlier in the 2020 race referred to her as a 'girl," that she is a quite confident leader and woman.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Often representing the concerns of American and other women around the globe, Vice President Harris tops the polls among US voters who believe in their rights and freedoms--such that she has spoken of in full support while standing against blatant act of fascism, systemic racial profiling whike fighting for women's reproductive rights with the might of a suffragette.

In reference to Vice President Harris' frontvrunner, President Joe Bide, aNikki Haley commented ," bet is 30 days from now, I don't think Joe Biden is going to be the nominee.”

As a novice , becoming a nation's Vice President, Kamala Harris state that her last 3 to 4 years of experience has possible whet her appetite for more of that which lent shine to her, already and quite apparently polished political ability.

It may be possible to compare Vice President Harris to the one Predidential hopeful female Nikki Haley, however, Haley might be more likely to duck the comparison to Vice President Harris for fear her political acumen may land a bit more lightly in comparison to a " heavy weight."

In the last week, Haley traveled the political roads of the state of Texas and while the state remains largely red, the split between Democrats and Republicans is a mere shallow pond with both Biden or Harris swimming along a tidal wave of 5.6 million votes in the 2020 election --such tgst woukdvturn Texas a bit more ...purple.

During her trek across the state, candidate for President, Nikki Haley visited tge cities of San Antonio, Houston and stopped off in Dallas to pick up donations ok ns from a former Trump supporter, Harlan Crowe. As tge csmpsifmgnntrail leads to Washington, Haley is certain to attempt a leap over tge one Republican she opposes and trails; Donald Trump. Yet, whike it may be Haley's plan to surpass Trump, tge way making it to the White House would leave her hard pressed to defeat Trump, the candidate who does not necessarily trail Biden, but is, actually much further back trailing the Vice President behind a long line of red to blue flipped supporters.

Whike looking at support, Haley has done some hurdling over the tithe bucket to reach deep into the pockets of both Crow and Ray and Nancy Hun, now harnessing a cool million to her PAC credit--and, let's be clear, there's is no doubt, a run for the presidency does have the proclivity to run up the take home pay-- win or lose.

As of last week, the Biden Harris President's campaign has calculated more than $96 million dollars in campaign contributions. Biden- Harris csmpsifmgn manager, Julia Chavez Rodriquez referred to the successful fund raising by Biden and Harris as an historical haul.

Reacting with shaking heads and shrugged shoulders to Haley's narrative on President Biden stating he would not " the Presidential nominee." for 2024-- quite a loaded comment and one that begs the question to be put to Haley just how it is that she can make such a statement with seemingly some measure of certainty. Hmm?

During her campaigning in South Carolina Haley made it known tgst she preferred for tge last two standing candidates to be herself and Vice President Kamala Harris. Haley callously referred to both Biden and Trump as tge two 80. Year olds.

Today , as tge runner up presidential candidate, Haley attempts to comment eith admonishing to Republicans , once stating, stating, "..And you know what should send a chill up every person's spine? The thought of a President Kamala Harris.. Condidering tgst sheccsmosigned in South Carolina, one of the states THST both Biden and Harris won quite a bit of favor --tgst as opposed to blind loyalty and whike it is that which seems to lie at tge crux of tge Republican politique, most Americans Todsy shiver in their boots this winter and the bmnext at the idea that Haley represents the same type of extremist MAGA-centric policies tgst keft tge White House a storm, an indurrection and a shame.

How's this for the Dems new banter " Make America A Proud Nation Again, Again!"

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