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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Meets With US Governors During National Governors Association Winter Meeting

Updated: Feb 24

POLITICS: As another week in Washington DC angles toward one of the nation's most lauded general elections in the space of 50 , US President Joe Biden takes a moment to stop onthe campaign trail to meet with US governors. Along with First Lady, Dr Jill Biden, delivering words, and US Vice President, Kamala Harris, Governors the gathering by governors at the White House is, now regarded as an annual event set forth for discussion on current and pertinent events and those that will be established to effect the lives of the a American people.

By Michelle Crawford -Sapenter.

" To my Republican friends, I've got bad news for ya. I actually like working with you. Reminds me of my days in the Senate ... we'd argued like He_~_ , then we'd get things done." -- US President Joe Biden

Today, the Biden administration delivered remarks on the status of the weeks and months ahead as tge 2024 fiscal year proceeds. Governors were informed of the economic expectations directly impacting their states--the administration citing

"...lower cost, good paying jobs and historic investments in infrastructure."

President Joe Biden has " a bold vision for our future. He has the strength and the courage to make that vision real." --Vice President Kamala Harris

Also delivering talks on educating American students, Dr Jill Biden opened the day's meeting with comments stated in regard to the state of U.S. states. Dr Biden discussed matters THST have, over the last 3 years, that have involved lawmakers and her concern over their actually performing on Capitol Hill in the manner to avoid much partisanship.

Dr Biden was followed by the brief message delivered by tge 43rd Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis. Polis commented in regard to a recent meeting with Vice President Harris in Colorado during such time the state and federal leaders joined together to engage in talks on the matters of clean energy and collaborating with the White House on health and the plans being put forth to save money for residents of Colorado who must invest in their own and their family's health care.

Governor Polis introduced Vice President Harris who spoke on a rather broad spectrum in reference to the bold vision had by US President Joe Biden for the future of America. Harris commented in regard to the United force of the American leadership and the America people who are "...united for a common purpose to create opportunity, prosperity and progress for the American people."

Harris stated that, in her years of serving as a state elected official serving 2 terms as California Attorney General, Harris is fully abreast of that which sums up the efforts of collaboration with Governors. Harris stated that she has worked with governors on matters associated with clean energy , infrastructure and emergency response.

Two quite significant issues stated by Vice President Harris involve access to capital by small businesses and women's reproductive rights. Tge Vice President stated that tfe Biden administration has provided $10 billion dollars to ststes to assist with funding small business entities in every state where they exist.

Small business owners are business leaders and civic leaders who employ tens of thousands of Americans and provide for incomes that feed into each state's economic growth.

Harris also stated that , in reference to r we omen's reproductive health, there are more women in the United States who die as a result of postpartum health care. . The maternal mortality crisis is a matter of significance in America and must be addressed on the state by state leve. While while it is ststisticslky evident that American women for whatever reason, die at a higher rate than women in top level, progressive countries,Harry's stated, today, that the Biden-Harris administration.

Vice President Harris stated , finally, that she has taken steps to expand tge Medicaid coverage of, in particular, liwbinvome mothers who, woukd only receive 2 months of postpartum care. The effects ofthe work performed by the Vice President raises the number of state practicing in post partum healthcare for women to 44 in the contiguous United States and that , now, included Alaska Today, adding to the extent of postpartum healthcare for women is another 10 months bringing the total postpartum healthcare to 12 months following child birth.

Immediately following tge speech delivered by the illustrious US Vice President Kamala Harris was one of the Hivernors the federal government had engaged in working with quite closely, Utah Governor ,Spencer Cox.

Governor Cox , a Republican, introduced President Joe Bide however, not before joking with the President about his 'nice house' and, thereafter, stating that "...the states are the true laboratories of democracy..."

Applause were received by the, world class status figure following the arrival of US Predident Joe Biden,. In most familiar terms, predident Biden seems to be doing quite well in familiar areas gong forward with his noted measure of success and those which, also, require the attention of evety level ofthe federal, state and locdd facilities.

During the White House gathering hrld on February 23, President Biden spoke in reference to the unification of nations that added dimension yo NATO. Biden commented that the US added 50 nations to represent in a militaristic manner through efforts put forth by NATO.

During his speech delivered to the members of the National Governors Association, Biden stated tgst tge 60" new sanction on specified targets are in response to Alexey Bavslfy'scdesth-that, for which, Biden holds Putin totally responsible.

Biden stated, Todsy, that the Houee dhound pass the bipartisan Senate bill which, today, would result in such changes. that bring about "... peace on earth... global peace in Israel, Eastern Eutope, , Gaza, Plakestine." ."

While Congress resigns to a 2 week vacation people in Ukrsine are dying., Biden commented on Friday. Russiia has launched a strike operation stronger and more offensive ever seen by Russian officials .

President Biden's bipartisan bill hire more agents thsn ever before seen lin office, with 1418 new officers to be situated at the border more officers and judges coming through the border, Biden stated that, under current practices by some st the border, illegdd as badge and a bracelet and they're told to come back in seven years when their case csn be worked out.

Today, despite the tenets of one of the most sound immigration bills ever written, the US Congress postpones its passing . Todsy, invlydmfing tge ongoing crisis in Israel snd Ukrsine, tgere has never been a crisis that the U.S. has faced that we have not come out of stronger than we entered.

Biden uttered his predidentisl slutrvto tge zUs stating, " We are the United States of America! There is nothing we can't accomplish !"

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