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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden & Erdogan Speak By Phone Leading To NATO Summit, 2024

POLITICS: On Thursday, as the hope for securing an agreement with GOPs MAGA leadership in Congress, today, President Joe Biden looked ahead to the morning after Friday's Holiday dilemma closure dilemma that's leaves Ukraine a few million short of the $61.4 billion dollar request goal. met with Turkish President Recep Tayipp Erdogen to discuss current national relations.

By Michelle Crawford -Sapenter

Meeting over a telephoned session from the White House, President Joe Biden and President Recrp Erdogen engaged talks on matters that Turkey currently faces involving Sweden's position with NATO.

The U.S. and Sweden agreed to welcoming a NATO alliance with Sweden standing as a welcome ally. With the welcoming of Sweden, Turkey stands to ,aldo, increases its interopabiluty as a NATO partner.

As the Washington NATO Summit approaches its July 2024 convention date, Erdogen realizes the greater benefit that Turket may experience while siding with Sweden and the United States.

Among the most recent efforts made by Turkey' s President Erdogen is the newly formed relationship with Greece--a matter that Biden considers a plus in Turkey's international relations grade card.

Biden also stated his stand in regard to the situation between Israel and Palestinian stating that he has committed to supporting Israel through the ongoing war.

While Biden stated his concern for the innocent lives--people who remain trapped in Gaza-- the President also discussed the matter of enduring that more humanitarian aid would be provided to Gaza 's remaining residents.

In the US and possibly among those engaging in war cabinet discussions, the matter of enduring the protection of innocent Palestine citizens remain unredolced. Biden continues to press for results agreed to by Israel leaders involving Palestine's civilian community's protection.

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