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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

US Embassy Officials In Moscow Warn Americans in Russia To Avoud Large Gatherings

NATION: In a very recent announcement issued by officials at tge U.S. Ebassey in Russia, Americans residing in Moscow were warned against any public gathering following the news of a planned ISIS attack.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

On Friday, US officials in Moscow have issued warnings surrounding that whichbiscreferredvto as an immense by plan by ISIS to attack large gatherings.

The warning, issued earlier in the week, cautions Americans in Russian townships to be wary of large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

In Great Britidin all travel to Russia has been placed under caution. UK officials have , virtually halted all travel to Russia by any British residents over the next days of the weekend.

Neither the US nor UK gas provided an absolute indication of how long the public and travel warnings may be continued ir whether by next week, the warnings may be discontinued.

A report made, today, lands with great uncertainty indicating that ISIS FSB terrorists who planned the attack had been killed. The ISIS attackers planned to strike upon a Moscow synagogue iften attended by Americans in Moscow.

Despite the news of the killing of ISIS terrorists, tge U.S. issued further caution to Americans in Moscow stating that a terrorist attack should be anticipated following the attempted attack by ISIS terrorists' who were killed.

The U.S. Embassy in Russia vontinues monitoring reports that extremists have plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts. As a precaution, American citizens are advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

The specific nature of the threat and the identity of the extremists have not been elaborated upon123. Interestingly, the Russian National Guard Service recently thwarted an attack by an Afghan offshoot of the ISIS Islamist group at a synagogue in the Kaluga region, southwest of Moscow.

According to reports, the group had planned to shoot members of the congregation, but the Russian authorities successfully neutralized them.

During an investigation of tge plans discovered by the Russian. NGS, Firearms, ammunition, and materials for making an improvised explosive device were, also, discovered during the investigation.

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