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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

HJC Chsir Jordan Request Responsive Action By Fulton County District Attorney Willis Subpoenaed For RICO Act Indictment File

Updated: Mar 14

STATE & NATIONAL: This week, Congressman Nim Jirdsn speaks out with threats made to Gunton Coubty District Attorney, Fani Eillis, stating that she must respond to a House Judiciary Committee subpoena or face charges of contempt of Congress.

By Anne M Erbynstein

Fulton county District Attorney is sparring with Congressman Jim Jordan who has waged political war in a judiciary arena. Willis, the Atlanta , Georgia District Attorney who is tge centr focus of a case brought by her agsinst former President Donald Trump, has pushed off the requests made by the HJC for her response to questioning during a committee panel hearing. Jordan's lashing out at Willis cannot be ignored for its politically charged opposition.

Recently, the HJC petitioned Eillis for documents associated with her investigation and RIVO Act indictment of Trump and 18 of his colleagues. Acvording to tge report made this week, tge Fulton County DA has avoided following through on her suggestion tgst more documentation -- more than that already submitted-- may be submitted. Willis did not indicated with any absolution that there were other files that would be submitted.

Despute the non-submittal of any furtger documents being made by the Fulton county office of the DA, the HJC , Jordan in particular, has albeit demanded more that more documents must exist and that they be submitted to the committee.

The committee Ststes that 3 weeks have progressed since tge DAs response however, the committee panelists which also seats Democratic Congressman, Adam Schiff, has yet to receive any further response from Willis.

In a letter authored by Jordan, the Congressman I Ststes, "While you have indicated that additional documents may be forthcoming in response to the Committee’s subpoena, the Committee has yet to receive any additional responsive materials in the three weeks since your initial response."

The subpoena for RICO Act indictment charges issued to Willis by Chairmsn Jirdsn indicates that the Fistruct Attorney dubmit any existing documents to the House Judiviary in response to the subpoena by March 28. The report made on the subpoena does not state that District Attorney Willis shoukd appear in perdon before the HJC.

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