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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Calls Netanyahu Top Officials To Meet atthe White House

POLITICS: On Tuesday, the news of US President Joe Biden's welcome made to Netanyshu is perceived as iffy. Biden forwarded a message to the Israel Prime Minister on Monday requesting a meeting in Washington with certain members of Netanyahu's closest Israeli government officials. Some in Washington question the effectiveness of Biden's plan.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

With plans of welcoming top Israeli officials to Washington, Biden hopes to sit down with Netanyahu's associates to discuss matters involving, perhaps, establishing a means by which to avert a number of events the President and much of the global political expanse regard as heinous in tgeir putpise to effect the cost of human life..

It is the cost of human life that is among the primary concerns and , therefore, a central focal point involving the visit by Israel officials. Coupling the events surrounding the ( ) humanitarian crisis, President Biden is existed to dissolve the mountainous barriers that exists between Israel leaders and those of Palestinians for the purpose of addressing matters that will effectively prevent the utter demise of millions of Palestinians and, possibly save a number of US and Israel residents held hostage in Gaza if not elsewhere in places currently unknown. .

In the last weeks of efforts made by President Biden in his hope for carrying over to Netanyahu the point that there can be no success in a military plan that does not encompass a humanitarian and political plan. White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, stated Biden's position on Israel's concentrated operations involving Rafah indicating that the President expresses "...deep concern" that Netanyahu's planned operations do not incorporate an "...end game" plan.

Sullivan stated that Biden and tge Israel delegation of officials will , likely, discuss new strategic efforts for gaining access to Hamas gmregimes , niw, located in Rafah,Egypt.

Sullivan added that tge discussion will include talks on matters involving the hostage situation and a ceasefire deal. So far, Sullivan indicated, the White House does not have the deal ironclad, however, it is regarded as rather immensely significant in nature to such extent that it warrants discussion as a top priority with Israel officials later this week.

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