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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Announces A $6Billion Dollar Fund To Rescue Public Service Workers In Loan Limbo

POLITICS: On Thursday, the Biden-Harris administration has reached beyond the needs of average American students to , also, cover the student loan concerns of public service workers. Today, the White House stated that 78,000 public service workers will become the benefactors of $5.8 billion dollars in student loan relief.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

President Biden's email reads; "The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program is an important way to bring more Americans into public service and help them get out from under the burden of student loan debt. But for too long, the program failed to live up to its commitments – and public service workers like you never got the relief you are entitled to under the law because of errors and administrative failures. I vowed to fix that, and I’m proud that my Administration has delivered on that promise."

President Biden did not stop at providing relief to the first nearly one hundred thousand public service workers, but, states the White House will send emails to another 380,000 public service workers who will be notified of their potential for loan cancellation qualification.

"For too long, our nation’s teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters, and other public servants faced logistical troubles and trap doors when they tried to access the debt relief they were entitled to under the law."-- US DOE Secretary, Miguel Cordona

The White House reports that Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). relief is being made available to a total of 535,000 US students, tge majority of whom are employed in a public service capacity. Today, as a result of tge approval of student loan relief fostered by the Biden administration now $143.6b dollars is being funded to cover the loan debts of 3.69m US students.

"We hope this relief provides borrowers and their families some much needed breathing room.”--U.S. Department of Education Under Secretary James

Today, Education Secretary, Miguel Cordona commented that tge administration is doing more to expand opportunities for millions more Americans. Cordona indicated that whike by October 2021 only 7000 US students had benefitted from the student relief program, the efforts made by the Biden-Harris administration has, as of March 2024, provided relief to 871,000 borrowers for relief totaling more than $62.0 billion currentmynptovided in reluef funding.

Biden extended his appreciation to public service workers adding that, any American who becomes a public service worker will be afforded the opportunity to gain access to studen loan forgiveness .


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