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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Signs Bipartisan Government Funding Bill

Updated: Mar 23

POLITICS: Today, in Washington, US President Joe Biden announced the signing of the U.S. Bipartisan Funding Bill. The President stated, earlier today, that the BGFB will provide for significant investments in America and the American people.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

"The bipartisan funding bill I just signed keeps the government open, invests in the American people, and strengthens our economy and national security."--US President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden commented in regard to the BGFB stating that neither side was afforded everything sought after. Biden indicated that his order provides for effective efforts at maintaining essentisl programs.

Today, Including the prevention of deep cuts, Biden stated that the BGFB "...expands access to child care, invests in cancer research, funds mental health and substance use care, advances American leadership abroad, and provides resources to secure the border..."

President Biden stated that it is his administration that fought for the benefits contained in the newly signed bill adding that Congress must now sign the Biden administration's national security supplemental in the interest of US national security.

Along with the bipartisan border security agreement, Biden stated that Congress must approve the bill thst will endure the funding and safety of our nation's border adding, " It’s time to get this done."

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