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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Vice President Harris Announces OMB ‘s AI Policies To Prevent Risks To Users

NATION: On Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the Biden-Harris administration's plans for advancing the use of AI. Vice President Harris commented in regard to the ongoing efforts made by the administration involving revognixing the growing needs for ensuring the best results for Americans who rely on Artigivisl Ingormation (AI ).

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Today, tge results of efforts made by the Biden-Harris administration find the Vice President fast atvwotktk to advance the most recent policies established for setting guidelines for AI.

Harris indicated, today, that policies affecting the mitigation of risks associated with AI. The OMB policies have been issued through the Office of Management Budget

By December 1, 2024, Federal agencies will be required to implement concrete safeguards when using AI in a way that could impact Americans’ rights or safety. The Biden- Harris administration issues to US agencies the following suggestions:

1). When at the airport, travelers will have the ability to opt out from the use of TSA facial recognition without any delay or losing their place in line.

2). When AI is used in the Federal healthcare system to support critical diagnostics decisions, a human being is overseeing the process to verify the tools’ results and avoids disparities in healthcare access.

3). When AI is used to detect fraud in government services there is human oversight of impactful decisions and affected individuals have the opportunity to seek remedy for AI harms.

The government pklicemy states that any agency experiencing amdufficukty that inhibits or makes impossible their ability to function with AI, the tgst agency will cease and desist with the use of AI .

The policy, also, states that agencies dhokmd inquire with the federal government regarding "Department of Labor’s forthcoming principles on mitigating AI’s potential harms to employees.

"The guidance also advises Federal agencies on managing risks specific to their procurement of AI. Federal procurement of AI presents unique challenges, and a strong AI marketplace requires safeguards for fair competition, data protection, and transparency.

The policy adds the following standards be adopted to ensure improvement in public transparency:

1). Release expanded annual inventories of their AI use cases, including identifying use cases that impact rights or safety and how the agency is addressing the relevant risks.

2). Report metrics about the agency’s AI use cases that are withheld from the public inventory because of their sensitivity.

3). Notify the public of any AI exempted by a waiver from complying with any element of the OMB policy, along with justifications for why.

4). Release government-owned AI code, models, and data, where such releases do not pose a risk to the public or government.

The federal government will remove unnecessary barriers to federal sgenvies responsible AI innovators.

1). Addressing the climate crisis and responding to natural disasters. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is using AI to quickly review and assess structural damage in the aftermath of hurricanes, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is developing AI to conduct more accurate forecasting of extreme weather, flooding, and wildfires.

2). Advancing public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using AI to predict the spread of disease and detect the illicit use of opioids, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is using AI to reduce waste and identify anomalies in drug costs.

3). Protecting public safety. The Federal Aviation Administration is using AI to help deconflict air traffic in major metropolitan areas to improve travel time, and the Federal Railroad. Administration is researching AI to help predict unsafe railroad track conditions.

Today, advances in generative AI are growing opportunity. While AI advances are developed, efforts are being made for "building and deploying AI responsibly to serve the public starts with people. OMB’s guidance directs agencies to expand and upskill their AI talent:

1). By Summer 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration has committed to hiring 100 AI professionals to promote the trustworthy and safe use of AI as part of the National AI Talent Surge created by Executive Order 14110 and will be running a career fair for AI roles across the Federal Government on April 18.

2). To facilitate these efforts, Office of Personnel Management has issued guidance on pay and leave flexibilities for AI roles, to improve retention and emphasize the importance of AI talent across the Federal Government.

3). The Fiscal Year 2025 President’s Budget includes an additional $5 million to expand General Services Administration’s government-wide AI training program, which last year had over 7,500 participants across from across 85 Federal agencies.

New policies establish efforts to be made that work within the guidelines that will "...ensure accountability, leadership, and oversight for the use of AI in the Federal Government, the OMB policy requires federal agencies to:

1). Designate Chief AI Officers, who will coordinate the use of AI across their agencies. Since December, OMB and the Office of Science and Technology Policy have regularly convened these officials in a new Chief AI Officer Council to coordinate their efforts across the Federal Government and to prepare for implementation of OMB’s guidance.

2). Establish AI Governance Boards, chaired by the Deputy Secretary or equivalent, to coordinate and govern the use of AI across the agency. As of today, the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and State have established these governance bodies, and every CFO Act agency is required to do so by May.

Other AI governance mesmadurescannounced baby the federal government include:

the Administration announcing several other measures to promote the responsible use of AI in Government:

  • OMB will issue a request for information (RFI) on Responsible Procurement of AI in Government, to inform future OMB action to govern AI use under Federal contracts;

  • Agencies will expand 2024 Federal AI Use Case Inventory reporting, to broadly expand public transparency in how the Federal Government is using AI;

  • The Administration has committed to hire 100 AI professionals by Summer 2024 as part of the National AI Talent Surge to promote the trustworthy and safe use of AI.

Vice President Harris stated THST tge measures that are taken by the U.S. federal government are leading and by example , the data provided offers a global model for the ", secure, and trustworthy use of AI."



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