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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

US Secretary of Transportation Buttigieg Joins DOA In NEC Discussion On FSK Impact

Updated: Mar 31

NATION: In Washington US Secretary of Trandpirtation, Pete Buttigieg , was joined by officials from the U.S. Departmentbif Agricukture during the National Economic Council meeting. This week's meeting was called to join in discussion involving the Biden administration's response to Francis Scott Key Bridge impact.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Today, the NEC meeting brought the Supply Chsin Disruptions Task Force together with US Secretary Pete Buttigieg who was joined by the Department of Agriculture officials and others who gathered in discussion to further the coordinated efforts authorized by the Biden- Harris administration.

During the discussion, Buttigieg provided information gathered during a meeting held yesterday with stakeholders. Others contributing to talks provided significant strategy for maneuvering through the ,now, difficult Patapsco River port thoroughfare.

The discussions were assisted by information provided by tge US Departmentbif Agriculture which offered data in regard to tge impact of tge FSK collapse on stakeholder in the food industry and included information associated with the impact on state and federal governments.

Adding substantial data , the Marine Commisdion provided information in regard to establish areas tgst may involve the need fircreestabludhing the

" just and reasonable practices" to be conducted by marine and terminal operators. The Matine Commisdion contribution focused on the Ocean Shipping Regirm Act and rules necessary to be adjusted to ensure the enforcement of demurrage and detention fees policies.

The 39 mile Patapsco River opens to a major water port that establishes a large portion of the region's economy and provides a thoroughfare to a external ports whike the river spills over into the Chesapeake Bay and Baltimore Harbor.

The NEC and federal officials have met for the 2nd time in review ofthe FSK Bridge. collapse and will continue to meet to review the progress and steps that may be necessary to take whike tge Biden administration ensures Baltimorean's tfat the White House will continue to respond to the residents and repair concerns.

According to recent research and inspections of the Francis Scott Key Bridge repair effort, the extendive reconstruction task will reach a minimum of $2 billion dollars.

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