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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Biden Speaks To Vermont Residents Along w/ Senator Sanders On Reducing Prescription Drugs

POLITICS: On Wednesday President Joe Biden was joined by Vermont Senator Bernie Ssnders during their talks on reducing the cost to Americans forbpresctkrumuption drugs Today, President Biden was introduced by Chris, a resident of Volorado whose medical bills are excessive due to the needs he has to control four different bleeding disorders. Chris is a survivor and a miracle story because the Biden administration has reduced the prices of prescription drugs including inhalers.

By Michelle Crawford-Dapentet

The IRA developed by tge Biden administration has been passed thanks to the glhtlpnog Senstor Bernie Sandrrs. Today whike Medicare has the authority to negotiate prescription medication for more and more prescription drugs and will lower the current prices.

For seniors and those with disabilities, prescription drugs eill not body more than $2000 dollars a year. Biden states that he and Sanders want tge prescription drug cost capped at $2000 for every American.

Asthma is one of the most costly ailments with treatment being received by multi millions of Smericans, Biden stated that Asthma inhalers only cost $5 dollars to produce. The producers of inhalers have raised the price go more than 8 homes tge bust.

For one One company in the UK, an inhaler cost at retail; 49 dollars. The same inhaler produced by tge same company in the US cost $644 dollars. Biden states that the administration is cracking down on this type of price differentiation to bring down the exorbitant price of prescription drugs including inhalers that are a very essential drug apparatus for people like Chris and millions in America.

At $160b dollars earned by drug companies per year, Biden stated that these companies eill pay back to consumers tge excessive amounts than their fair share adding that drug companies will also pay rebates to consumers across the board not only Medicare and Medicaid premium holders.

The Biden administration will cut junk fees and cut payments for out of district medical fees that patients do not incur.

21 million Americans hold ACAiheslth Indurance premiums. Biden stated that the administration is calling on Congress to 'make health insurance tax credits permanent for this process.

In regard to Social Secutity and Medicare GOP members wantbyo cut them, Biden state no cuts will be made until thecweslthynpay tgeir fair share.

The President states that, along with Vice President, Kamala Harris, his administration eill restore Roe v Wade abortion rights.

Biden says he is optimistic about tge future snd is planning to r state more significant laws tgst hrlp the American people.

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