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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

California Congressional Election In Position To Set Tone For The 119th Congress

Updated: May 22

NATION; California, voters will reach the polls considering whether their best choice of Congressional candidates will be a smart pants and pad the house with intent to secure a GOP victory. That is the concern had by Democrats as the state’s election draws to bear the virtual line of fire. Today, GOP candidates, including former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, stand in the line of fire.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

In politics, today, there are many who are at the top of the totem pole who are, sometimes comfortable with uncertainty. Today, in comparison to the growing eras of the U.S., society is much more tge hair trigger. In the US, society has reached a point when, similar to parents in a family, when their teens have arrived at a point of lessened respect for the rules, either the rules have to be changed to regain the respect or respect can be lost forever.

In that regard, what is often necessary is a parental huddle during such time the game book and rules are upscaled. Thereafter, the parent begin to move forward with their redeveloped standards, such tgst may or may not be introduced to their teens, however, the new game book plan would be carried forth. Now that it appears that the GOP stands in the place of the teen, the work is cut out for its members to conduct precise and pristine efforts to regain the respect of a nation.

As a nation, Americans may be situated at a point of political dissonance. As the uncommon Presidency of Donald Trump seemed buy into a political policy that okayed commiting unprecedented policies , such that seemed to lead to an act of an impaling ofthe top authority in the nation and the prospect for ensuring democracy loomed in sight of the dismissal of Senator Liz Cheney for the simple fact that she took a stand for political integrity and, thereby voiced her disagreement with an insurrection and the mob and leadership that led it and carried in out, there remains an , albeit, equitable measure of disconcertion and distrust.

One of the lingering question that California residents may seek to have answered is whether a candidate as Kevin McCarthy can represent his state without falling victim to extremities ; whether democracy might survive as California continues to grow and prevail as a state most appreciated snd populated by millennials who are pushing a more liberal narrative than the beatniks, the hippies or the burn-your-bra Queen, Gloria Steinem ever promoted in a, then still, rather, sterile American society.

Today’s US society requires a middle ground, a plan that positions tge nation snd its society st a place of reunited effort to make an honest perusal of America’s global standing, given thenprosoect of wars and the potential for war to become expansive—if the concentration for survival as a nation is focused on the elimination of any culture group, then its leadership would more than fail its most valuable stature of law—the US Condtitution, American leadership that fails total unification as one nation, one people, would also fail American survival agsinst the nation’s historical foes.

In California’s political hands may be one of the most pivotal decisions that has the proclivity to act as a mast for the nation. Among 50 plus states, the possibility for California to take the lead in influencing the remainder of the US states is, yet, uncertain, however, the decision made by Californians, whether voters will seat a Democrat or Republican, will have a significant impact in Washington by November, 2024.

In the nation, the evidence of a high standard of integrity —that which looks toward the development of US sociohistorical ailments including how society has in the past and recently responded to antisemitism, systemic racism, gun violence, veterans special health needs and the health concerns of all Americans—just to mention a few demonstrated efforts effective in their impact upon US society as put forth by democrats through the Biden administration.

In 1963, an American leader stomped upon a podium to engage in a debate and by 1972, it became evident why a candidate who bumped his knee on a stage prop would fail his own presidency 3 years thereafter. The evidence of a failed presidency had seemed to show itself openly in 1964 during the JF K - Richard Nixon debate. Not surprisingly, in this era, the evidence of a failed presidency became openly noticeable on January 6, 2021 as a Republican led insurrection nearly devastated every ounce of esteemed integrity ever fought for, debated for, spoke to massive crowds gathered in peace in unity for, strode across 60 miles in scores of 600 to face off with a vicious enemy of freedom, justice and equality for and for everything America’s star spangled banner ever stood, but thank God, the presidency that failed to uphold the United States most gracious symbol of dignity and, yes, pride, our nation’s sound ethics of government were not failed. That presidency might have come close, but not quite in its destructive procession, nonetheless, America survives; standing strong with its head held high, shoulders back and we, as a nation , together, must still stride with grace , purpose and the courage that has surrounded us and has gone before every American since this nation’s independence was won in 1776.

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