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Globally Renown & Reverent Al Sharpton Spars w/Jim Crow Proponent Byron Donald's

STATE & NATIONAL: This weekend, an interview conducted by NAN director and socio-political activist, also one time 60s civil right proponent Al Sharpton significantly exposed the inconsistencies involving information and comprehension of racism in America. Sharpton spine with Republican State Representative, Byron Donald’s who Sharpton lists as one who fails at facing the realities of American white supremacy efforts.

By Anne M Erbynstein

“ How can you even live with yourself.”— NAN Director, MSNBC Host, AL Sharpton inquired with Byron Donald’s responding to the “ Jim Crow” commentary

Today, the question put to the nation and the US black community is whether any distinction can be drawn between a comment made by a white supremacist who suggested that slaves were benefitted by slavery and a comment more recently made in the context of a podcast published by GOP Congressman Donalds.

Donald’s denies any assertion that states the Jim Crow era was good for black family, black marriage however there can be no denying the inference that is made by his commentary my thoughts, significantly, tends to make the claim that the Jim Crow era facilitated black marriage.

NAN Director AL Sharpton stated the stance had by black Americans who were there in the 50s among those who were affected by the 50s Jim Crow era.

Today, even former RNC Chair, Michael Steele commented that Byron Donald’s’ perspective on Jim Crow is misconceived. Steele indicates that it is an absurd notion to ever conjure the thought that the Jim Crow era, laws that were formed against black people, could havre produced anything good for black Americans.

Along with millions of black Americans among those who were there in the 50s and into the 60s in America, the facts, in truth, dictate that ; unopposed to the era of slavery —and in fact, Jim Crow existed as a claw that grappled the flesh of the pre-abolitionist era and attempted to harness even a dmall fraction of slavery in America—Jim Criw was an anti- Negro, anti- black stature that opposed the rights of black people and subjected blacks tothe submission to a non-black and in fact , anti- black American ruler ship.

Al Sharpton spoke for black Americans who are aware of the realities of Jim Crow , such realities that plagued Black American society and persistently attempted to deny blacks rights and defy any potential for any good to emanate from the black community except that which might bring financial benefit to the non/ black establishment.

In the 1970s when Kwiesi Mfume gdought after Affirmative Action, he knew why he fought for the rights of blacks to have jobs, to , also, be included in executive pools for hire in corporate America. Mfume took to the forefront with AA legidlation because blacks could not simply apply for tge positions for which they were qualified, a black man and woman were rejected and had to aporoach Congress to have their right and equality respected.

Mfume’s call to to justice in the workforce was legitimate and resonated with the entire nstion among blacks and white conservatives. Yet, in the Presidency of George W Bush when Afirmative Action was struck down, there was only one other csll to justice . The call was not to stand and fight for Affirmstive Action—the call was to stand and create affirmative action by building corporations that would not exclude talented ,capable, skilled and educated blacks, but would include black people, welcome blacks with open arms of appreciation and would not exclude any others.

Based on ENSNewdii app search there was no Byron Donald’s pod cast app located. If Congressman Donald’s would be so gracious as to provide the coordinates to the pod cast in question, it woukd be the delight of ENSNewsii to indulge in the opportunity to view the Byron Donald's’ app and comments made in regard to the Jim Crow era and black marriages. At this point , ENSNewsii will regard the well respected comments by the honorable Al Sharpton as factual information.

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