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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Gun Sense University: President Biden Speaks On Gun Violence Prevention

Updated: Jun 11

“No parent shoukd ever get the phone call that their child has been shot and killed. No young person shoukd ever have to grow in fear of being shot and killed.” —Shawanda McDowell, Mother of 14 year old killed by gun violence

POLITICS: In 2023, the White House administration addressed the matter of gun violence in America. Following the investigation and perusal of data, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris established the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. During the Gun Sense University summit,2024 Shawanda McDowell remember her 14 year old son to gatherers there, commenting on how her youngster dies as a result of gun violence.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

“You’re going to take my gun.” Biden replied, “No, I’m not going to take your’re allowed to have a gun. I am going to take assault weapons off the market.” The man says, “ I need my gun.” Biden responded saying, “If you need a gun that fires 75 to a hundred rounds, you’re the lousiest shot…ever.” President Biden commented in reference to a time when he was running for Senate and spoke with a fellow he ran into while traveling Delaware wetlands.

The mother of Juwan McDowell, Shawanda McDowell, stated her son was 14 years old when he was gunned down during a () shortly following the day of his family-celebrated birthday. Mrs McDowell spoke, on Tuesday, during the Gun Sense University summit stating her reason for attending the summit is because she believes that parents are responsible for their child’s safety.

Biden took center stage speaking to a welcoming audience among whom responded to tge President’s “ Hello! Hello! greeting with chants of “ 4 More Years!” 4 More years! President Biden thanked the crowd, excited with his presence.

Today, President Biden stated his feelings of empathy toward Mrs McDowell about whom he commented of her courage for standing before tge audience and speaking to those in attendance about her deceased son.

President Biden stated that social. Iolence has long been a master of concern for him . The President indicated that, years ago,

President Biden commented in reference to tge Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The BSC Act was designed to reduce gun violence. Biden stated that, the year before he became President, the murder rate was tge highest in US history. The BSC Act is the most effective gun safety legislation passed in Congress in 30 years.

Biden commented in reference to the American Rescue plan through which 15 billion dollars was invested in gun safety and prevention. Since last year, all forms of Social violence and crime has been reduced. Biden gives credit to the members of US communities who have worked to make communities safer.

Through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the Biden admijj no its ration is implement gun satay prevention in communities across the nation. Through 80 programs the sale of straw gun purchases is now established as a federal crime for the first time in US history investing $250 million dollars in violence intervention programs.

Law enforcement has been afforded a legal tool to charge gun traffickers and hold them accountable. Since the law was passed. FBI has stopped more than 700 sales of firearms to buyers under the age of 21

President Biden stated that the BSC prevents mass shootings providing $750 million dollars to communities for implementing crisis intervention, also providing $1.3 billion dollars to schools across the nation to increase measures of school security and safety for students and faculty.

President Niden commented further in regard to the Bipartisan Safer Commujities Act to emphasize tge importance that the Act bares upon this nation. Biden stated THST the September ‘23 White House Office of Gun Prevention is the first ever established eith tge White House and is governed by one fierce prosecutor who ,also, happens to be the U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden commented that whike there is still so much more to accomplishe in the plan for ending gun violence in America, one thing is certain, itbis that when the people of America and the US government leaders work together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

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