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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Mass Shooting in Arkansas, Leaves 3 Dead, 11 Injured Including Injuries to 2 FPD Officers

Updated: Jun 21

STATE & NATIONAL: On Friday, the city of Fordyce , Arkansas became the gruesome scene of a brutal shooting when a hi man brandishing a rifle opened fire in the parking lot of a local grocery store. Three people were shot and killed by the gunman who, also, left 8 others injured.

By Anne M Erbynstein.

US President Joe Biden reacted to the Gordyce , Arkansas mass shooting stating, ‘I offer my prayers to the families of victims.’

The Mad Butcher Grocery store locate only 70 miles from Little Rock, Arkansas was the site of a bloodbath. One hi man arrived in the parking lot of the grocery store just before 11:50 this morning. While remaining in the parking lot, tge gunman fire sermver rounds . Apparently striking vehicles and people situated in the path of gunfire.

“I have been briefed on the tragic shooting in Fordyce, and I’m in constant contact with State Police at the scene. I am thankful to law enforcement and first responders for their quick and heroic action to save lives.”—Arkansas Hovernor, Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The butcher on duty at the time of tge shooting watched as tge gunman approached the store and were able to retreat into the rear of the store. Several employees escaped through a back door, however, not before realizing the noise they heard was glass breaking as shots were being fire inside the store.

“I am following the developments and information coming out of Fordyce after a gunman senselessly opened fire outside a grocery store earlier today.”—Arkansas, Attorney General, Tim Griffin

The gun fired shot striking 11 people. The Arkansas police reported that an exchange of gunfire transpired between 2 officers and the gunman. Both officers were struck along with the gumming. Neither the officers sustained life threatening injuries. The gunman was struck by the officer and was taken into custody.

Arkansas State Police Col. Mike Hagar said, "It's tragic, and our hearts are broken…Our prayers, along with Governor Sanders and the entire state of Arkansas, will be with this community and those affected victims."

According to a bit of information obtained by ENSNewsii, Fordyce , Arkansas is described as a largely black community. While the identities of the 3 people who were killed and tge 8 injured have not been disclosed, tge has stated that the gunman is white.

According to an updated report, it does appear that the shooter did not sim gunfire at anyone specifically and did fire random shots that struck the 11people.

One family is grieving their daughter, a nurse, tried running for her life. The family has identified their daughter as one of the gunman’s victims.

Other formal identities of the 11 victims and 2 police officers has not been disclosed by the Arkansas police. Authorities in Arkansas are investigating the shooting while the shooter remains in custody..

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