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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Israel Stands on Right To Defend Against Hezbollah -Both Sides Prepare For War

Updated: Jun 27

US & GLOBAL: In the last weeks of the conflicts that continue to stir violence between Israel and the region’s rival countries, the recent impression disclosed by U.S. intelligence indicates that Israel will face war with Hezbollah.

By Anne M Erbynstein

Hezbollah, today, exists as a political party situated among Shia Islamists in the nation of Lebanon. Hezbollah has been led by the Islamic Jihad whose leader, since 1992, has been Lebanon’s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah. In this phase of violence in the regions connecting Israel , Gaza and Lebanon, the conflicting views for regional governance , with particular focus on Palestinian demands, today, impose the threat of war violence which looms as the singular resolution for arriving at peace in the region.

While in the global corridor, north eastern ofthe Africa continent, Israel remains the world’s well, regarded nation that is globally respected as the political, economic, high technology and military power force baring all evidence, from a world vantage point, of being the most coveted nation in the Southern Levantine..

As the nation of Israel remains home tothe Usrael Diamond Exchange located in the suburban city of Ramat Gan in Tel Aviv. The nation of Israel is the wealthiest in diamond trading, marketing, brokerage, imports and exports. The undisputed belief that , compared to Lebanon. a largely Islamic nation whose population remains, at most, roughly 14% of that amassed by Israel, it is a nations that continues to appear far less affluent while Lebanon’s Islamist population , per capital, exists on slightly more than $11,000 compared to Israel which maintains an income per capital of $60,000. Today, Lebanon’s population has extended to nearly 55% of Israel’s which remains a match for the state of New York.

While the elements of war continue to be constructed by Israel and Hezbollah, today, the most recent report indicates that both sides have drafted battle plans and are attempting to procure additional weapons.

U.S. intelligence indicates that a large-scale confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah is likely to break out in the next several weeks if Jerusalem and Hamas fail to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza.

While publicly expressing a desire to avoid war, senior U.S. officials increasingly believe that intense fighting is probable despite efforts to prevent it. The risk is currently higher than in recent weeks, and the situation remains tense.

Additionally, some European countries estimate that a war could happen even sooner, advising their citizens to leave Lebanon1.

The U.S. administration aims for a diplomatic resolution and hopes for lasting security and calm along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

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