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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

Schumer & Pelosi Meet at the Juncture of Protection of Federal Government Law & of Those Who Govern

Updated: Jul 15

NATION: Today, the events that have followed Saturday’s attempt on the life of former President Donald Trump are quite distinguished among Democrats. Today, as US Congresswoman , Nancy Pelosi pairs the Trump incident with that of Paul Pelosi’s brutal hammer attack, the former U.S. House Speaker takes steps to embark upon a class action law suit, it seems the opposite is stated by US Senator Chuck Schumer who is seeking the reinstatement of the recently dismissed case tgst involve the former President’s mishandling of federally classified files.

By Michelle Crawford- Sapenter

“This breathtakingly misguided ruling flies in the face of long-accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedence.— US Senstor Chuck Schumer

Weighing most heavily, on the political arena is the matter of ensuring that both, politicians are better protected from the onslaught of external harm and the fact that the rule of law and that of the federal regulations and policies, also protect the governed from abuses imposed by those who govern.

It must be a matter recognized by every power within the upper Rachel is of government that laws preventing internal government abuses by the public elect must, also, defend the lives of the those meting out those laws.

In a situation that developed slightly more than 3.5 years ago, it became apparent to federal government officials that, then, President Fonald Trump violated a federal clause that contends against the removal from the federal government, any filing that is marked “ Classified.” The removal of classified files has been a matter undertaken by the U.S. justice system.

During anFBI search warrant served on the Florida home of the former President, it was stated that 15 boxes of classified files were located and retrieved. Subsequent to the FBI’s warrant, a charge was filed citing Trump for his apparent violation of tge federal law and his mishandling of classified files. The charge represented one of the () cases filed against the former President that have been slated for being heard in either civil or criminal court.

In a decision made by Judge Aileen Cannon, the felony case filed against Trump was dismissed. Following Cannon’s last week case dismissal, US Senator regarded the action taken by the federal judge as being horribly wrong, Schumer stated Cannon’s ruling was “breathtakingly misguided.” Schumer took immediate steps to request that the judges decision be brought under appeal in an effort made by Schumer to reinstate the charge.

How it may be regarded as good judgement that a member of the nation’s judicial system fail at any measure of demonstrated concern for matters that will, at some point and in some manner, affect the lives of nearly 400million Americans?

Given Cannon’s misguided judgement, it is certain that, without the exercise of sound objectivity on the part of Judge Cannon, Senator Schumer stands correct in his observation of the judges decision citing her act of “misguided” judgement, such that must be determined as being wholly biased for Trump.

In her decision, it becomes evident that Cannon acted without any regard for the careful and ethical administration of government nor had she taken into her concern the events that may follow in association with the utter disregard of a federal crime—that which sums up a violation of the U.S. Constitution — and that the affects of these misguided decisions thereby, carry the proclivity to impose arduous affects upon the lives of more than former President Donald Trump.

These actions taken by Cannon, clearly , represent a direct act of injustice.

While Schumer acting upon sound rationality. has sought to reinstate the charge brought against Yrump, tge is the matter of a concerted justice that may, also, be afforded former President Fonald Trump. Today, former House Speaker Pelosi pitches a plan for ensuring the lawf protection of federal officers.

Today, Pelosi announced her hope for pursuing a class action lawsuit, however, the former House Speaker whose husband Paul Pelosi was attacked by a burglar at the couple’s San Francisco home has been overwhelmed by rumors associated with the presumed plan

There is credence associated with the idea that much more in the way of protection is required by seated , former officials and their family members.

One observation made during the Trump rally was that there might also have been more secret service members or local police at the location and situation atop nearby structures as a precaution. This is the type of security that Pelosi may be considering while there is also the need for security to be situated at the homes of public figures who have a very well pronounced public image.

While a lawsuit , in Pelosi’s case, may not be plausible, increasing security around and near public figures is certainly a matter that should be addressed by the U.S. Congress.

Despite the apparent distinctions in the positioning of that which must be perceived as the much needed hand of justice to hammer out new and much more efficient law, neither petition can be taken lightly. Perhaps this implied common ground arrived at the point of more efficient and ethical governing by those who govern in such manner that the effects of efficiency are carried over into US society where the pronouncement of sound ethics in government must be stated the loudest.

It can be stated that when government takes the steps of integrity to protect the governed agsinst despotism, those who govern may, therefore, and justifiably, also, protect themselves with a greater measure of effectiveness.

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