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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

US President Biden Delivers Remarks Tothe US Public Following The Shooting Injury of Fmr. US President Trump

Updated: Jul 15

“You know, from the beginning, our founders understood the power in passion and so they created a democracy that gave reason and balance a chance to prevail over brute force.

That’s the America we must be.”—

US President Joe Biden

POLiTICS: The week behind where it ended Saturday/Sunday with the distractions made to the normal routine by the heinous act of a lone gunman, Thomas M Crooks. Crooks fired shots that ripped through a crowded makeshift arena during former President Donald Trump’s Butler, Philadelphia political rally. Trump was grazed by a bullet and has been treated for his minor, yet harrowing moment of fate that left him injured. On Sunday. , as he has during numerous moments since the shooting incident occurred on Saturday at 6:11pm, US President Joe Biden issued a statement to the nation in regard to the shooting that injured 2, including the former President and one woman and killed one 50 year old former Fire Chief, Corey Comperatore.

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

“ I believe politics ought to be an arena of peaceful debate, to pursue Justice and to make decisions guided by the Declaration of Independence. And the Constitution.” —President Joe Biden

As the nation reels from Saturday’s heinous shooting attack, the family of Corey Compradore is joined by millions who express utter disgust snd the insane act of gun violence that by Crooks who hail of bullets senselessly tore through the hearts of the Comperatore family and others who witnessed the strike brought against the man tagged a hero.

You know, the path forward through competing visions ofthe campaign should always be resolved peacefully, not through acts of violence.”— President Joe Biden

President Biden stated that the road Americans must not go down is that which allows to continue the type of things that happened Saturday during the Trump political rally.

“You know, we are blessed to live in the greatest country on Earth…I believe that with every soul…every power of my being.”— US President Joe Biden

Along with the reaction made by the former President, the comments made in the last 48 hours have expressed the sadness in regard to the act of violence while stating gratitude for the life of former President Trump being spared.

During his speech, President Joe Biden’s statement made in reference to politics refers to “decency and grace.” President Biden commented that the as Americans we should stand a nation

”…not of extremism and fury.”

On Sunday night, President Biden spoke in reference to “…lowering the temperature in our politics…”. Biden commented that, as Americans,

“While we may disagree, we are not enemies. We are neighbors. We are friends. Most importantly , we are fellow Americans and we must stand together.”

Biden expressed thanks that former President Trump was not fatally nor seriously injured. Biden stated that it’s time Americans “.. step back and take stock of where we are …”as a nation. The moment also calmed for the President to extend condolences to the Comperatore family and reminded Americans to keep their family in our prayers.

“The power to change America always rests in the hands ofthe people, not in the hands of an assassin .”— President Joe Biden

Reminded of the attack on the husband of US Congresswoman, Paul Pelosi, Biden stated that violence has no place in politics nor in America, at all. While the political rhetoric has gotten very heated, Biden commented, “ Its time to cool it down.

“[W]e need to get out of our silos where we only listen to those with whom we agree…Let’s remember, here in America while unity is the most elusive of goals, right now, nothing is more important for us , now, than standing together—US President Joe Biden

President Biden commented in regard to his belief that what happens to set the sociopolitical climate of the future in America, also, affects the world. “God forbid.. Biden said, that politics become a “ literal battlefield …” or “…a killing field.”

The President indicated that , while the Republican convention began on Monday, he will continue to speak out in favor of democracy. Biden added that , while Americans must never descend to violence, his administration will continue to uphold the Constitution “…and the rule of law.”

President Biden referred to how this is a “…time of testing as the election approaches adding that the the call to the ballot box should not erupt in violence in US streets despite differences, disagreement that are inevitable.

President Biden indicated that the beauty of democracy allowed for Americans to compare and contrast, to debate and disagree while solving differences at the ballot box not evil bullets.

Biden stated, last night, that he asked every American to join together to make America what has always made it special. America is a place where we treat everyone with dignity and respect , ensuring that “…hatred has no safe harbor”

As he closed his announcement made to the people ofthe United States, President Biden stated that this nation must be “… an America democracy where arguments are made in good faith, an American democracy where the rule of law is respected, an American democracy where decency, dignity and fair play aren’t just quaint notions, but living, breathing realities.”

“We owe that to those who come before us, to those who gave their lives for this country. We owe it to ourselves… President Biden commented

“Let us never lose sight of who we are. Let us remember, we are the United States of America. There is nothing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together!”—

President Joe Biden

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