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Writer's picturemcs4597xlens Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

The Theme ofthe DNC Event-Candidate for US President Kamala Harris Accepts Democratic Nomination

”On behalf of every American regardless of party, race, gender or the language your grandmother speaks, on behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey, on behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with—

people who work hard, chase their dreams and look out for one another, on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth, I accept your nomination to President ofthe United States.” —Democratic Candidate for United States President, Vice President Kamala Harris

POLITICS: Kamala said her family taught she and Amaya about family, “…community and treating others the way you would want to be treated…with kindness, respect and compassion.”

By Michelle Crawford-Sapenter

“Everyone…,” like her classmate Wanda who suffered sexual abuse by step parent, “…has a right to safety, to dignity and to justice.”— Candidate for President Kamala Harris

About her mother Kamala said that, as a 5 foot woman with an accent, “…she was tough, courageous… never lost her cool…” and taught Kamala and her sister to “…never complain about injustice, but do something about it.”

In reference to her mother, Kamsla Harris stated, “She also taught us “…never do anything half-ast!”

Kamala parents met at a civil rights gathering and later indoctrinated their children in the ways of concern for supporting and advocating for civil rights in America.

“You can always trust me to put country above party and self, to hold sacred America’s fundamental principals from the rule of law to free and fair elections to the peaceful transfer of power!” US Candidate for President Vice President , Kamala Harris

It was during that time that Kamala & Amaya learned about Thurgood Marshal and Constance Baker Motley—the people who fought the civil rights battles in court rooms “…to make real the promise of America.”

It was, then, Kamala stated, she decided she wanted to do what Marshal and Motley did— to embark upon a rare call to fight for the rights of other Americans.

“No one should be made to fight alone. We are , all, in this together.”— Candidate for US President, Kamala Harris . Harris stated that her most formidable 5 words at women during court sessions were, “Kamala Harris for the people.”

“Throughout my career, I’ve only had one client; the people.” —Candidate for US President, Kamala Harris

It is the US Candidate’s belief that “…a harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us,”

Following a very moving and quite meaningful exposition of her life, her commitment to ensuring the liberties and rights of American citizens and her stand taken on behalf other American people, DNC Candidate for President of the United States , Vice President , Kamala Harris, accepted the Democratic nomination last night during the final night ofthe Democratic National Convention. 🇺🇸

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